Go on tinder you'll find 1000 b****es that look better than her
But can they can’t knock a nigga out. Having her around is why blueface doesn’t need security
s*** ill admit im wrong then !
Tbh this stream is definitely being talked about a lot more on twitter TikTok everywhere
These really the worst two people on earth. I wouldn’t be comfortable being near her for even 2 seconds
But can they can’t knock a nigga out. Having her around is why blueface doesn’t need security
Blueface is also crazy
Didn't he do a reality show with all his hoes and she was the winner or something and all they did there is beat each other up
s*** ill admit im wrong then !
You good! But you might be right in media coverage on the blogs!
An attempt, bailing out and doing Kai stream would be a legendary rollout if a fire album was on the way
It’s a suicide mission but I swear i could save her.
Nah bruh the fall off was a real one
saw this and i didnt wanna see another second of the stream
https://twitter.com/thatguydiamond/status/1595047938732195841Lmao someone quoted this and said “y’all ever hear a French bulldog make this noise?”
How is someone even that disrespectful lmao she didn’t gaf that she made a hole in the wall
timestamp on blue face being bisexual
Wasn’t bro a Nicki stan or sumn
i thought BF was wanted for attempted murder. how is bro popping up on streams
attempted means he didn’t actually kill anyone, let him live
Should've been known blueface fruity when he was on live tv judging men's d***s and a******s
https://twitter.com/dinahbelle2/status/1549178404381024257i want so much better for my ppl