I just wanna say when that nigga threatened to f*** me none of yall had my back and I will remember that no funny s***
and I don't want to be back in a sxn I don't post in that's full of pedophiles and predators yall can have that
then why you cryin so much about it 😭😭😭😭
everyone else already shut the hell up
Or he’s getting them lit and taking care of them
Those both his baby mommas
Y’all so f***ing gay on this app
Who tf liked this s***
and I don't want to be back in a sxn I don't post in that's full of pedophiles and predators yall can have that
definitely dont care btw
and stop making s*** up
there isnt actually dudes just sayin s***
congrats @op you went ktt gold how’s it feel
i would like to formally thank all the s***posters, and apologize to all women for the assaulters that have come forth and revealed themselves in this thread
private sxn beef
hinge screenshots
rapists exposing themselves
rapists exposing themselves??
and I don't want to be back in a sxn I don't post in that's full of pedophiles and predators yall can have that
You so dramatic lmaooooooo
lock thread ban op
If this is on page 22 what’s going on the next 80 pages
I told u to get itt
Who tf liked this s***
Reddit moment