Like @Daveacee9 said when Blueface broke into that random white dude home and beat the s*** out of him for being loud, “just charge that s*** to the game man”
u be off them beans or what family
Nah he’s just a white guy with a really racist gimmick probably smokes meth or something tho
Thank god I'm not Blueface cuz my crew did the same thing to some guy in Midtown last week and I'm on probation til next year
Not getting sued >>>>
thought public figures of all sizes knew not to do this cuz they can sue your ass. better to have your crew do it then u help pay the fees. ideally
it shud reed da dud dey gt to wtch da doe ... hop dis ngga gt all da wy payd 2
this man pretends to type like this with his avi....
@Camile33 @MalibuMorgan don't ever find yourself in Queens.
said the same thing to me idk what tf is wrong with him or why nobody has banned him yet
Report this mega weirdo
its werd 2 nt inslt ppl n pik at hw ppl do thngs n lit nt tke thngs on a form as if ds rlly in lyf... u r wy 2 invstd in reg hw ppl operte on a msc ste brrrrrroooooooooo (Cud voice circa suma 08) ... fk i luv P n em 2
its werd 2 nt inslt ppl n pik at hw ppl do thngs n lit nt tke thngs on a form as if ds rlly in lyf... u r wy 2 invstd in reg hw ppl operte on a msc ste brrrrrroooooooooo (Cud voice circa suma 08) ... fk i luv P n em 2
I've got to be having a stroke what the f*** is this