So al you guys don't perpetuate black stereotypes and mimic the language? Lol this thread is called "SMOKIN CAMILE33 PACK ITT"... You guys don't seem like niggas honestly and anyone can prove me wrong at any time.
Already proved I’m black long time ago im stamped
Was with u until the last sentence my boy but who am I to judge ... More power to u ...... Have a nice night 🌉✊🏾
Ey mew sexy as hell
Why did it take y’all this long to figure out he been using black stereotypes as a gimmick bro been acting wild here for weeks and niggas ain’t bat an eye
I just thought he was one of them dudes from thecoli or or sum s*** haha. Some of them would always talk like that
Smoking that CAMILLE33 PACKK
its avatar 4real in dis b****... mfs prob living my 600lb lives wake up lookin like dey fresh out a white out bottle... showww us ya faces
This camille & burritoanvil
They diff cause they actually stamped in their area though.
I just thought he was one of them dudes from thecoli or or sum s*** haha. Some of them would always talk like that
Nah it’s hella obvious with him it’s insulting and exaggerated
Already proved I’m black long time ago im stamped
howwwwwwwwwww.... its jus a flick brody
They diff cause they actually stamped in their area though.
because anotha human actually got the right 2 tell someone else how 2 act lol dats not racist... nd im guessing u met camille niggga
its avatar 4real in dis b****... mfs prob living my 600lb lives wake up lookin like dey fresh out a white out bottle... showww us ya faces
Lol cracker 😂
this is a white
show me ur username in a pic please and I will post mine... arms and hands holding ur username up Brody
Lol cracker 😂
lol its da fact dat ull white n we actually know it... wat would b funny is if I was a person who had a thread dedicated 2 them lol and ppl pay 2 hear n c me do s***... tht would b somthn wouldn't it
its avatar 4real in dis b****... mfs prob living my 600lb lives wake up lookin like dey fresh out a white out bottle... showww us ya faces
“Mfs” you’re def white I gotta friend who substitute the n word for that everyday lol
Lotta dudes with no jobs itt
yes including me
eyyy nigggga I own my s*** my boy I aint gotta work lol im straight
eyyy nigggga I own my s*** my boy I aint gotta work lol im straight
lol at the "including me" u a really 1 boyyy
show me ur username in a pic please and I will post mine... arms and hands holding ur username up Brody
oh yeah ok brb FOH
“Mfs” you’re def white I gotta friend who substitute the n word for that everyday lol
nigggga go 2 Chicago ahahahahahahahaha f***k dis niggga on... u do know its not all on dem YouTube videos ull be watchn righttt... da whole "black" experience thing
oh yeah ok brb FOH
I dint think ud do it dawggg it would mess up ya lucrative KTT career
I dint think ud do it dawggg it would mess up ya lucrative KTT career
feel free to post yours tho king