  • Jul 24, 2023

    I wanna show some love to this top-tier pop rap album. Not perfect by any means, but it's such a fun and engaging listen.

    The first half of the album is where the meat is located, but it's still solid throughout.

    Don't Let Me Fall - fire intro
    Nothin' On You - classic single... Bruno Mars' introduction
    Past My Shades - crazy Lupe verse
    Airplanes - another classic single
    Bet I - hip-hop banger
    Ghost In The Machine - fire track... I really love the production
    The Kids - cool song, positive message
    Magic - pop banger
    Fame - not my favorite, but it's not bad
    Lovelier Than You - simp anthem
    5th Dimension - again... not my favorite, but it's not bad
    Airplanes, Pt. 2 - fire remix... passionate Em verse

    Overall, a fun pop album from the early 10's.
    What y'all think about it?

  • Love this album. Personal classic to me.

    This live version always hits me different.

  • Jul 24, 2023

    It gets cheesy but its a good album

    First 2 songs are pop rap perfection

  • Jul 24, 2023


  • Jul 24, 2023

    This brings back so many memories holy s***