We know Bobby has NOT been helping his own cause while doing his time. Remember, the rapper racked up 11 violations, including d*** possession, fighting and having a shank -- and good behavior clearly weighs heavily with the parole board.
goddamn, 11?
Bro just had to chill and he would be out.
“We know Bobby has NOT been helping his own cause while doing his time. Remember, the rapper racked up 11 violations, including d*** possession, fighting and having a shank -- and good behavior clearly weighs heavily with the parole board.”
People still asking why. This guy is an imbecile
What the f*** man
We know Bobby has NOT been helping his own cause while doing his time. Remember, the rapper racked up 11 violations, including d*** possession, fighting and having a shank -- and good behavior clearly weighs heavily with the parole board.
goddamn, 11?
well that will do it
“We know Bobby has NOT been helping his own cause while doing his time. Remember, the rapper racked up 11 violations, including d*** possession, fighting and having a shank -- and good behavior clearly weighs heavily with the parole board.”
F*** them, trying to keep a black man down.
F*** them, trying to keep a black man down.
Dude is having more fun in jail than most of us
We know Bobby has NOT been helping his own cause while doing his time. Remember, the rapper racked up 11 violations, including d*** possession, fighting and having a shank -- and good behavior clearly weighs heavily with the parole board.
goddamn, 11?
He had mad b****es in there and a new pair Raybans I remember seeing a pic of
Prison was obviously letting him slide with stuff and then turns around and holds it against him. Kinda f***ed up
We know Bobby has NOT been helping his own cause while doing his time. Remember, the rapper racked up 11 violations, including d*** possession, fighting and having a shank -- and good behavior clearly weighs heavily with the parole board.
goddamn, 11?
Oh lol
He's free because he helped the government in their case against a very dangerous gang. That's the only reason why he's out
You did not need to explain this to me
the active gang members on social media celebrating him coming home early didn’t help, nor does people praising him for not “snitching”. Niggas gotta stop all the dumb s***
nigga if u really think that’s the reason why he got denied parole 😂 nigga u the dumb one
Sucks, but bad behaviour in jail I guess - no excusing that
This. Pretty much. He keeps f***ing up like Kodak.
But I guess being famous in there makes u a target.
nigga if u really think that’s the reason why he got denied parole 😂 nigga u the dumb one
You gotta be one of the stupidest users on this site lowkey