I have body dysmorphia
It all started as a child as I looked up…
To Big Poppa Pump. I wanted to be huge. Wanted arms like Scott Steiner.
So I went wild in the weight room in football and beyond. Got big. But never tubig. Not big enough. See I learned as I grew older that Scott Steiner took copious amounts of steroids and d****. And my body has limits. And when I look at myself I see someone that’s not as big as what others see when they look at me, because I can never be as big as Big Poppa Pump.
crazy how mewing was like an loser/looksmax kinda thing first and now its everywhere on tiktok
i am in a similar situation op
first step: start bulking. you are way too skinny and going to the gym is pointless if you arent eating enough to fuel growth. doesnt matter if you think your face is getting fat, you have to bulk then cut to a reasonable weight afterwards
also consider talking to someone about your issues, as not even being able to look at yourself in the mirror is a problem and should be resolved. cut your hair, get braces, fix your skin (if you have any skin problems), do anything but you need to consider yourself a human being. the moment you start to act like a recluse you will become one indefinitely. its much easier to prevent it from happening in the first place than having to crawl out of that hole from scratch