  • Oscar Winner

    I didn’t hate it but coming off Parasite I found it slower than expected

    yeah I can see why one wouldn't enjoy it but I think Mickey's voice made me like it a lot more than I would've if he had a normal non-interesting voice narrating

  • this was such a fun time in the theaters man. Pattinson honestly gave me one of my favorite performances of his career. He really is a show stopper.


  • TheFader

    Not to mention he’s a vocal chameleon as well, Good Time, Lighthouse, Batman, Boy and the Heron, The Devil All The Time, The King, and Mickey17 all completely different performances vocally

  • Unity

    I'm standing on it

    Robert Pattinson is the best working actor on the planet


    @twitch @Ava_Yeezy

  • This was a lot of fun. Ruffalo was funny as hell. Naomi Ackie was the mvp

  • Cyan

    For a min this was looking hornier than Challengers

    lmfso challengers was the first thing i thought of during thet scene

  • proper 🔩
    1 reply

    I was ready for the film to take it there

    double pene??!

  • proper 🔩
    1 reply

    Completely agree with all of this besides the backstory. I loved that part.

    as a huge pastry fan i loved + found it hilarious that they got into debt w loan shark because of a failed macaron shop

    macarons are NOT a sin

    All three groups of creepers started from the idea of a croissant. I gave the creature designer a photo of a croissant. - bong joon ho

    bong really bout this pastry life

  • proper 🔩
    1 reply
    Oscar Winner

    Did you like beautiful boy?

    i love that movie

    might be biased tho

    cause i read and loved the book before the movie ever existed.. and ngl some parts of the book were a little too relatable smh at myself

    crazy times

    not sure if this a hot take or just a lukewarm one but beautiful boy still easily my fav timmy flick.. not cause it’s his best display of acting or anything technical like that.. just for personal reasons..

  • earthwalka

    Actually haven’t seen it

    worth checking out tbh

  • Puma

    First 2/3 were good but last 1/3 kind of lost me ngl

  • ·
    2 replies

    as a huge pastry fan i loved + found it hilarious that they got into debt w loan shark because of a failed macaron shop

    macarons are NOT a sin

    All three groups of creepers started from the idea of a croissant. I gave the creature designer a photo of a croissant. - bong joon ho

    bong really bout this pastry life

    movie about a quiet, humble pastry shop worker's silent, calm life akin to Perfect Days coming soon

  • Pacing isn’t good

  • Oscar Winner

    I didn’t hate it but coming off Parasite I found it slower than expected

    Pacing atrocious

  • Oscar Winner

    Movie started a little slow/boring with the backstory exposition of everything. But once Mickey 18 pulled up >>>>>>

    I loved his version of Mickey and thought the movie struck gold when the whole 17, 18, Natasha dynamic happened. But unfortunately that portion of the film was short lived and not long after they get caught and the movie shifts to being about the animal “aliens” which I don’t think was a smart move. The movie was sold about there being multiple Mickeys and they have to try to not get caught. Idk why they didn’t lean more heavy into that? Also the theme of fear of death was so great but then that gets pushed to the back once they get caught. All that animal s\*\*\* becoming the focal point just didn’t do it for me at all.

    Steven character kinda felt pointless to me. And the Kai character I’m not sure what her purpose was either, it’s like she was there and seemed to have some importance but then just randomly disappeared.

    Exactly I saw it twice and both times parts of it put me out cold or close to it

  • It doesn’t use its platform to say much of anything

    Pokes fun at maga and is literally space Jews but nothing profound

  • Disappointed and watched no trailers

  • My nigga Pattinson don’t miss

    Having just went through Boardwalk Empire recently, Pattinson as Mickey lowkey sounds like Steve Buscemi to me for some reason

  • Loved this. Probably my favorite 2025 release so far

  • Ruffalo's performance was pure over-the-top camp, that character would not have worked if he tried to play it straight

  • Seeing this either today and tomorrow. I didn't like Gyllenhaal's exaggerated performance in Okja but still think it's a great film, so seeing the impressions on Ruffalo's character doesn't frighten me too much.

  • I don’t like to call any piece of art bad but what kind of preaching to the choir s*** is this man

  • Enjoyed the vibes but that’s about all that’s there
