Bro I played basketball and football both varsity since 9th grade. You’re not special because you played HS sports man
Nobody is turning trans to play sports. You have to be dumb to think this is the case
Hey @02Shaq I was a D2 athlete in track&field and ran times that would place me in the Olympics if I was a woman. I think i can comment here.
WNBA players don’t even make millions of dollars dude. The average salary is like 100k.
Trans participation is up because trans acceptance is up
Trans participation is up because trans acceptance is up
I was gonna reply with the same thing, totally agree
Hey @02Shaq I was a D2 athlete in track&field and ran times that would place me in the Olympics if I was a woman. I think i can comment here.
Ban bet: this is getting locked under/over 50 pages
no chance there's non-bannable discussion on this topic for more than 50 pages
Hey @02Shaq I was a D2 athlete in track&field and ran times that would place me in the Olympics if I was a woman. I think i can comment here.
Nobody is saying that trans women should compete with women. At least I’m not. I’m responding to the notion that parents are gonna force their teenager to become trans so they can make the WNBA or whatever stupid s*** boosie said
Hey @02Shaq I was a post-collegiate athlete running competitively and I would have qualified for the Olympics in the half-marathon. I think I can comment here
That poster is a dumbass
no chance there's non-bannable discussion on this topic for more than 50 pages
Theres already bannable discussion
I see two niggas itt that shd be banned not counting OP
Hey @02Shaq I was a D2 athlete in track&field and ran times that would place me in the Olympics if I was a woman. I think i can comment here.
what if you had to take hormones tho
what if you had to take hormones tho
And dealing with the psychosocial stress of half the country hating you and debating your existence :word:
surprised there's only one dumb transphobic f*** for this whole thread
The other transphobes have already been banned from threads like this
I mean if you even seriously considering putting tittys and Coochie on yourself just to play in the WNBA u probably aren’t league bound anyway
Playing ball for $100k a year beats having to be a garbage man or even some cushy office job only downside is having to be okay with chopping your f***in d*** off and not actually wanting to transition lmao
obviously no one would seriously do this. didn’t think I needed to add this disclaimer but this site is amazing
first sentence is some of the funniest s*** I’ve ever read on here
The other transphobes have already been banned from threads like this
If physical and genetic advantage is the problem here, why do we not ban basketball players who are 1 standard deviation taller from the average then? Or baseball players with better than 20/20 vision? Or marathon runners with high amounts of ACE? Or if you have too much testosterone as a man, you cannot play sports, if we're playing into the hormones argument?
The reason is because they don't actually care about the competitive integrity of a sport, they care about oppressing trans peoples.
because theyre men and women and should compete just like anybody else
But does a MtF athlete not have an inherent physical advantage over a cis woman athlete? In a sport like swimming or soccer? Genuine question btw
dude has so much disdain for trans ppl its crazy
Lmaoo what?!
How is that there from that post of all posts
I'm gonna keep it all the way 100.
If I were a father and I personally saw a trans athlete who barely looks female being on the same teams as my daughter, knowing that there's an unfair advantage with their muscle mass/strength and that they'll all be sharing the same locker rooms, I wouldn't be pleased.
Now, do I want trans people discriminated against? Absolutely not.
I think a compromise needs to be made though. For the sake of safety and the fact that women already have it bad enough being taken seriously in sports, I'd be more cool with trans athletes who transitioned from women to men competing in male dominated sports.
But I think we need more time before we enable men who transitioned to women to compete with women. Something has to be done to please all parties.
If that's a hot take, so be it. I don't care about Boosie's opinions to begin with but that's just how I see it.
No one is acknowledging that User post?
Lmaooo “Get Mad With Me Man”
It’s a dumb ass hypothetical about turning into a woman solely to have a professional basketball career and not actually wanting to transition. It would never actually happen, didn’t think niggas were that stupid to where that had to be explained lol. There’s nothing to be angry about which is why you’re the only one making posts like this