  • Sep 20, 2021
    1 reply

    agreed. the media is biased and soft on biden and the left. any right wing president would've been called racist, deplorable ect. for the actions of the last 3 weeks.

    we all would've called for impeachment. there would be rioting and protesting tbh. this country is a s***hole and is only defensive of its citizens when its politically and financially beneficial.

    The media is in no way soft on the actual left

  • Sep 20, 2021
    1 reply

    borders are literal made up lines. they dont exist. One of the smartest human beings to live Bertrand Russel argued for a One World Government

    even smart people can be delusional

    sometimes they use their intelligence to expertly rationalize delusion, actually

  • Sep 20, 2021
    1 reply

    Not tryna defend biden but i'm pretty sure white house had no idea that ICE was pulling s*** like this

  • Sep 20, 2021
    3 replies

    Yes, let’s act like the cruelty exhibited by Border Patrol agents is a direct result of Biden’s presidency and has nothing to do with extreme border security enhancements enacted thanks to the Patriot Act pushed through by conservative, Republican law makers and has existed for decades.

  • Sep 20, 2021

    immigration processes need to be revamped. but just walking over the border with just a back pack not gonna fly with any country.

    this cattle round up bullshit is inhumane

  • Sep 20, 2021
    1 reply

    Not tryna defend biden but i'm pretty sure white house had no idea that ICE was pulling s*** like this

    How do u kno

  • Sep 20, 2021

    Yes, let’s act like the cruelty exhibited by Border Patrol agents is a direct result of Biden’s presidency and has nothing to do with extreme border security enhancements enacted thanks to the Patriot Act pushed through by conservative, Republican law makers and has existed for decades.

    This too

  • Sep 20, 2021

    even smart people can be delusional

    sometimes they use their intelligence to expertly rationalize delusion, actually

    the lack of cohesion as a species you see now is why the planet is burning. he wasnt wrong at all

  • Sep 20, 2021

    Thanks breh

  • Sep 20, 2021

    America’s immigration system is completely f***ed up, for no reason


  • Sep 20, 2021

    bro how can people even do that and have a conscious

  • Sep 20, 2021


  • Sep 20, 2021
    1 reply
    math fifty

    Of course no one is talking about this because apparently only Republicans can be racist

    Biden tried to stop deportations

    At least know all ur info before commenting dumbass

  • Sep 20, 2021

    Yes, let’s act like the cruelty exhibited by Border Patrol agents is a direct result of Biden’s presidency and has nothing to do with extreme border security enhancements enacted thanks to the Patriot Act pushed through by conservative, Republican law makers and has existed for decades.

    Really good point. Facts. The eagle itself is wicked, both wings left and right.

  • Sep 21, 2021
    the reds

    wonder how she feel rn

    orange man is out of office, she doesnt care anymore

  • Sep 21, 2021

    Damn dude in the vid is speaking perfect Spanish

  • Sep 21, 2021
    math fifty

    Of course no one is talking about this because apparently only Republicans can be racist

    I mean, Biden tried to stop deportations for 100 days. Conservative judge stopped it

  • Sep 21, 2021
    the reds

    wonder how she feel rn

    this chick looks like she smells like air

  • Sep 21, 2021
    2 replies

    quick breakdown of Haiti's history

    -1804 slaves successfully revolt against French
    -1825 French demand Haiti pays 21 billion in reparations for damages lost
    -1947 Haiti finally pays off its debt
    -1950 US backed dictatorship of the Duvalier family reigned for 30 years while killing over 50,000 people
    -1986 Duvalier regime overthrown, Haiti enters democratic phase
    -1986-2021 non stop US meddling through the IMF, embargoes, coup d'états, and NGOs has made Haiti politically unstable and economically devoted to US interests

    so no, Haitians shouldn't be crossing rivers with their backpacks and being corralled like animals. they should be welcomed with open arms and assisted by both the US and France for how badly those countries f***ed over Haiti

  • Sep 21, 2021

    quick breakdown of Haiti's history

    -1804 slaves successfully revolt against French
    -1825 French demand Haiti pays 21 billion in reparations for damages lost
    -1947 Haiti finally pays off its debt
    -1950 US backed dictatorship of the Duvalier family reigned for 30 years while killing over 50,000 people
    -1986 Duvalier regime overthrown, Haiti enters democratic phase
    -1986-2021 non stop US meddling through the IMF, embargoes, coup d'états, and NGOs has made Haiti politically unstable and economically devoted to US interests

    so no, Haitians shouldn't be crossing rivers with their backpacks and being corralled like animals. they should be welcomed with open arms and assisted by both the US and France for how badly those countries f***ed over Haiti

  • Sep 21, 2021

    Imagine inflicting pain on innocent people for an imaginary border. Bet you they wouldnt whip Canadian refugees

    I s*** you not, a lot of the world before the 20th century was basically open border. You could go to mexico and there wouldn't be no border protection, cowboys did it all the time.

    Even then, until the 80s, there was not much "border protection", and it was much easier to cross over.

    Here's a great video explaining it

  • Sep 21, 2021

    Also this is surprisingly really the only time I've heard this in the discourse because Haitians and Africans have been crossing the border for a long f***ing time, I mean, they were also in those detention camps along with Latinos and getting the same mistreatment

  • Sep 21, 2021

    How Haitians come to the U.S, if not through the "proper channels", is coming up from Central/South America or Mexico because it's much easier to get to those places, compared to the U.S, which is stricter on travel.

  • Sep 21, 2021
    Da Bitches 2