This Stevens kid seems like the right attitude off and on the bench. Can't shoot 3s for s*** tho.
Kevin Hart: “The one thing that stands in the way of a Celtics ring are the Sixers”
Tatum: “Do they?”
let’s make a move for jrue
Not sure if we can get the salaries to work without giving up too much
Not sure if we can get the salaries to work without giving up too much
it’d have to be brogdon and horford
it’d have to be brogdon and horford
Haven't looked since early offseason. What does our big man depth look like? Might be okay to move on from Al, even though I love him.
Haven't looked since early offseason. What does our big man depth look like? Might be okay to move on from Al, even though I love him.
I heard some good things about Quetas but idk if you can count on that. I guess Kornet would be our third big until we found someone else
that starting lineup is scary tho, worth it
Id part ways with Horf and Brogdon for Jrue, it would hurt bad but that's a deal that puts you over the top
Id part ways with Horf and Brogdon for Jrue, it would hurt bad but that's a deal that puts you over the top
Yall buggin
Difference between d white and him ain’t enough to trade away multiple players and picks for a rental that’ll want an overpriced extension
Yall buggin
Difference between d white and him ain’t enough to trade away multiple players and picks for a rental that’ll want an overpriced extension
Fair point
Yall buggin
Difference between d white and him ain’t enough to trade away multiple players and picks for a rental that’ll want an overpriced extension
he’s not replacing d white he’s joining him lol who cares about them players and picks we tryna win a chip rn
he’s not replacing d white he’s joining him lol who cares about them players and picks we tryna win a chip rn
Just seems redundant especially since we traded smart
Id rather we get a solid scoring wing to backup the Jays like buddy or Kuzma
How so
brogdon, all of our end of bench guys + sign and trade blake griffin
brogdon, all of our end of bench guys + sign and trade blake griffin
Oh I'd do that 100/100 times