new Apple really feels like a whole different record. one of the cooler reworks tbh
the second half of the album kinda >>>
i love Tinashe so i won't speak. the surrounding songs just kinda make B2b get...lost in the mix for me
idk seems like Julian just said "aye take this song and make it work"
AND IT DID this is pretty great
Shygirl could've gave a few more bars. gotta show what you can do on moments like this. cupcakKe would've sent like 32 bars that Charli would have to cut down
as a whole this album is a really good listen. there are a few (maybe half) of these that i'd never play over the originals. there are a couple that actually improve on the originals, which is all you can really ask for.
Owner of a Lonely Heart flip is hilarious on Mean Girls
early top 5, no order
sympathy is a knife
von dutch
so i
girl, so confusing
apple (or mean girls)
fortunately we have another classic on our hands
I might say something stupid, please ignore this post
can a person have AOTY twice? let’s have this conversation
Yes, and it’s not even close
can a person have AOTY twice? let’s have this conversation
no you must choose one
fun remix album. she put this together pretty quickly. y'all think this was the plan from the start?
fun remix album. she put this together pretty quickly. y'all think this was the plan from the start?
She said on the Zane Lowe interview that she had the idea for a full remix album like this before the main album was even completed.
is Sympathy is a knife featuring ariana grande the #1 song in the country yet
when this leaked people were calling it weak
how are two of the best songs of the year technically the same track
when this leaked people were calling it weak
how are two of the best songs of the year technically the same track
that's crazy, they absolutely killed that record. it's a knife whennn
now there is a particular rework that i'm not getting all the hype over... i'm a lil too shy to speak on it tho...