im not familiar with this game when u think it'll be back to an acceptable level? 2026/7?
Whenever gen alpha starts to express nostalgia for mid-2010’s hypebeast culture
they'll flood the market with s*** like this and then once everyone including the npcs are ready to throw off white in the dustbin they'll announce Heron Preston as the new creative director or some s*** and then it will be back up from there.
Scaling a fashion company is the same song and dance every single time
Heron Preston god forbid
This nigga said Asap Nast
Why y'all niggas think everybody that do runways can actually design the s*** they wearing?
lol i don’t cosign non of them im just saying one of his patnas should step up
I’ve been laughing all day
S*** is outrageously bad
Kinda feel bad for Kamara
Yeah feel bad for the whole team tbh
They’re gonna gut the entire infrastructure just to license out everything
Obviously most of these weren’t supposed to see the light of day but these are OG Virgil designs he’s got sketches to go on ten seasons since his death but I think it’s running out now
I’ve been laughing all day
might be the worst basketball trainer ever created
With all due respect wasn't Virgil's whole philosophy on this s*** to sell out as hard as possible?
ah man
I’ve been laughing all day
ahhhh man
With all due respect wasn't Virgil's whole philosophy on this s*** to sell out as hard as possible?
totally . and it's not like LVMH was doing anything interesting with it either
off-white should've either been retired or handed off to one of virgil's close collaborators , this tepid s*** is just watering down his legacy
after Virgil, its hard to follow the brand because it was ran heavily on his identity and ambition. They needed another front facing creative director to push forward. Otherwise, you just question if Virgil would've approved any of the new designs
He had a pretty clear brand identity to where it could have been continued lol
the day will come where early hypebeast off-white is a grail to somebody out there
we almost already there lol
And its gonna circle back to where they try to make the brand popping again after doing this lol
Nast would be great as a Creative Director.
But its gonna be hard to match Virgils vision. He had a damn near anthropological / architectural approach to design. It wasnt just the vibes with him
Wdym by this
its over they officially tryna bankrupt the company virgil deserved better
Bottom two questionable but the others kinda fit the aesthetic lol
The hoop ones look like starburys in a good way lol
Why didn’t Ye buy it?
Nigga was begging for mark zuckerberg to give him loans for star war clothes instead of opening Pastelle boutiques in NYC. Outside of footwear i dont think he has it in him
Wdym by this
whoever takes Virgils place has to be more than just a desinger/taste maker.
I liked that one (not sure if he did more) collection Ibrahim Kamara did for them
Bottom two questionable but the others kinda fit the aesthetic lol
The hoop ones look like starburys in a good way lol