  • Aug 7, 2020

    China and USA trash

  • Einfinet

    The actual banning would be the first thing he’s done that I support

  • Nessy 🦎
    Aug 7, 2020

    ngl I look back at a lot of vine s*** and it's whack to me now

    First half was overproduced corny jokes and second half was random zoomer irony and both didnt age well at all

  • Aug 7, 2020

    One of the reason this site is falling off

    Has KTT2 been early on a single artist?

    People too busy talking about the state of music and being dusty that they ignore artists blowing up under their noses

    How is wanting quality music dusty?


    He's 23 but acts like he's a f***in core Zoomer

    Bro needs to grow up

  • Aug 7, 2020

    Trump should’ve banned league of legends and fortnite. Why puss out, we can’t let gamers think they deserve freedom

  • d stoner 🤬
    Aug 7, 2020

    Trump a cuck to the chinese overlords

    Nobody care about wechat. Keep tencent and their f***ing social credit system as far away as f***ing possible tho.