Incoming Americans who don’t know the history of South Africa and that coloured is a race group with its own history
Incoming KTT users who gonna act like they knew this already
Being "coloured" is apparently only a thing in Apartheid and post-Apartheid South Africa (as well as Namibia). It's like if slavery/colonialism ended and you still went around saying "I'm not black, I'm a octoroon". Crazy.
Her pr game is already on point
Being racially ambiguous sells
harsh truth.
TALENT of course matters but we Americans refusing to acknowledge that plays a part in certain artists in rap being the most successful playing a part is just being obtuse.
She's clearly trying to get an American audience though so wasn't the smartest thing to say
the opposite lol
Incoming KTT users who gonna act like they knew this already
Personally I got family in South Africa and have been to South Africa. So I knew
This is funny cause according to this same part of Twitter mixed people shouldn't be considered black but biracial lol
If I'm not mistaken, mixed south Africans are classified as colored over there
🥴 truth hurts for some
Incoming KTT users who gonna act like they knew this already
apparently this is common knowledge to anyone not from america
Incoming Americans who don’t know the history of South Africa and that coloured is a race group with its own history