Me rubbing my suspiciously all the sheikah stuff shaped belly : no idea what you're talking about 😅
Replaying OoT atm and while it's a fantastic game by comparison the reception to ToTK just seems a little stupid. I love that I never had to do the amount of backtracking I have to do in OoT or the absolutely pointless trips via Lost Woods or Hyrule Field. Also, while the dungeons might be easier the amount of backtracking in Classic Zelda can be infuriating. I guess people somehow forgot (as did I) how nauseating it can be to run through the entire dungeon over and over again.
Replaying OoT atm and while it's a fantastic game by comparison the reception to ToTK just seems a little stupid. I love that I never had to do the amount of backtracking I have to do in OoT or the absolutely pointless trips via Lost Woods or Hyrule Field. Also, while the dungeons might be easier the amount of backtracking in Classic Zelda can be infuriating. I guess people somehow forgot (as did I) how nauseating it can be to run through the entire dungeon over and over again.
Nostalgia is a hell of a d***
For me BOTW was a better experience than TOTK. A big part of it was we went blind into a completely new world in BOTW, but I think there’s a lot to be said about the post calamity setting being more intriguing compared to the reconstruction setting of TOTK, it felt more like an organic world where nature took over civilization. A lot of the new settlements and location in TOTK felt tacked on and inorganic to me by comparison. BOTW’s setting and story combined with Ultrahand would’ve been greatest game ever made