Had high hopes when this song came out. Felt things were finally gonna change. Felt like it was God's plan.
Five years later, it's just all worse
God does have a plan for you bro
I know it man, u got this
It would be bro, there are gems there but it just had soo much filler
Album intro should of been Emontionless too
And imagine if Vital was the outro
We really missed out on a classic record man
And imagine if Vital was the outro
We really missed out on a classic record man
I know man, but at least after this 2022, its the first time after Scorpion that im regaining hype.
Honestly, Nevermind and Her loss surprised me on a good way, such great records
I know man, but at least after this 2022, its the first time after Scorpion that im regaining hype.
Honestly, Nevermind and Her loss surprised me on a good way, such great records
Drake definitely still has it in him, he just needs to keep focusing on quality control and trimming tracklists where they need to be trimmed.
Honestly, Nevermind and Her Loss are both under 17 tracks; it’s not a coincidence that they’re also Drake’s two most loved projects since 2015/2016
Drake’s best single to me. The vibe of the song is just flat out amazing. I could be mad as s*** and hear Gods plan and it’s like I don’t remember what had me mad. The video is a huge plus. The perfect song.
for sure but the album has classics like mob ties, nonstop, jaded, after dark, is there more etc etc
that jay-z track produced by dj paul was hard tho i aint gon lie
Gods Plan
Look Alive
Nice For What
Yes Indeed
In My Feelings
Going Bad
In My Feelings
Walk It Talk It
2018 Drake run was really special. nobody had so many really HUGE hits in 1 year in music history.
Gods Plan
Look Alive
Nice For What
Yes Indeed
In My Feelings
Going Bad
In My Feelings
Walk It Talk It
2018 Drake run was really special. nobody had so many really HUGE hits in 1 year in music history.
Except for maybe Drake's 2016
You also listed In My Feelings twice
Y'all just posting anything at this point
Yeah he sure made Gods Plan where he was waiting for Trippie Redds part for mothers lol
He made a wholesome music video with like the most no offensive pop hit. Every white mother was bumping that s*** with the kids
Look Alive & Sicko Mode
Going Bad
2018 was his best year commercially
Sicko mode still bangs
Going bad hard
Drake took the L from Push and responded by dropping his biggest singles ever. Kind of a goat response if you think about it. Push won the moment but Drake won the war