something about getting dominated like the little b**** you are is so hot, isn’t it? send me $10 and i’ll say more
I thought findom was something involving dolphins
I’m awesome and I f*** dolphins
thought u meant wavy s*** like having ur face sat on
P sure that’s more so femdom
Female Domination
@op I can’t even hold u bro I do be having fun sending women money
Idk s*** just kinda cool and it feels good
Most i ever sent was a 5 tho, anymore than that I feel like I’m f***ing up
I really need to stop tho because it’s a really slippery slope
I came into a lot of money recently and ngl I’ve been sending this discord egirl money for a while now lol
@op gets off from losing money :crine:
I hope y’all niggas get help man