I mean I get what he's saying and all that. But it also amounts to a whole lot of nothing.
You seriously saying he's a suicide enabler because of skits????
Oh it’s in the skits, I only made it to the first one and had to cut the album off. Damn that sounds cringe
this is better then Shakespeare actually
Sidebar OP what the f*** is wrong with you for that title?
If Brent wants to be mr toxic he gotta deal with stuff like that
Personally even if he’s not doing perfectly I think it’s cool to see more artists with more lofty conceptual ambitions, while I enjoy a lot of music from newer artists regardless it feels like something which is less common
weird ass title @op
Weirder Than a Five minute Skit about A Pregnant Woman taking her own Life Because Of a toxic Dirtbag?
Weirder Than a Five minute Skit about A Pregnant Woman taking her own Life Because Of a toxic Dirtbag?
And niggas calling that good music ? lmao
you know what actual masterpiece has those elements?
Best Star Wars movie, better than the originals, idgaf what the nerds say!