just noticed max level fishing is 500
im at 20 rn
this was so silly i've been grinding fishing for an hour for the quest. made silvers though selling pufferfish
why so? i do think trading being locked behind it sucks but also he said it’s like that to help with bots so i kinda get it but still
yeah it's the trading and some of the locked areas that's pissing me off tbh
I wasn't big on OSRS as a kid because it was already aged n stuff but I used to play a bit of Runescape 3 and Albion Online n I enjoy the economy system on the latter, feel like it should be the blueprint for new MMOs on economy systems at least
yeah it's the trading and some of the locked areas that's pissing me off tbh
I wasn't big on OSRS as a kid because it was already aged n stuff but I used to play a bit of Runescape 3 and Albion Online n I enjoy the economy system on the latter, feel like it should be the blueprint for new MMOs on economy systems at least
oh i get that
just did the tutorial feel like i’m gonna really enjoy this as a palate cleanser to black ops 6
tell me how it is gonna play later tonight
i was on it from like 4am-12pm and would still be on rn if i wasn’t at work i think that should speak for itself. it def has a runescape like feel but it’s very much its own game and i really like how it feels so far. like i said though it’s only day one so i wanna sss how i still feel about it a month from now but i have no doubts i’ll still be playing and enjoying. seems like a lotttt of content is here
gonna be grinding heavy on this while i have OSRS open on the side grinding out 99 mining
this kinda dumb
maybe at this point, but when theres more episodes it most likely will make more sense. i wonder if theres episodes where fishing and woodcutting are needed
played like 9 hours yesterday, pretty fun game
this kinda dumb
Someone on reddit made a good argument regarding the reset reddit.com/r/brightershores/comments/1glc297/alright_heres_my_personal_theory_and
From my experience and I'm currently exploring episode 2 the reset didn't really bothered me. Sure it was wack finding it out but couple minutes after as I'm back exploring I feel it was no biggie lol
For now I'm buying the "there's a big picture here" excuse