Loading stuff into the room right quick is completely different from "organized my gear for 20 minutes"
That’s what I mean by load in the room... but I did organize.
It literally takes 5 minutes for the elevator. 10 minutes waiting.
it time op
What kinda "gear" is this.
Filmmaking. Lights, cameras, more lights, tripods. Groceries, water jugs. Only thing I left which really pisses me off is a grill for my pops.
Arri light set, soft box set, cams, tripods, live streaming setup. I do concerts every weekend. It’s raining tomorrow so I have to prep bc I have a gig on Sunday. Now I gotta load this in some randoms car. Smh
Bro as a kid that simpsons episode of homer getting his car clamped made me scared of the idea of ever getting my car towed
Bro as a kid that simpsons episode of homer getting his car clamped made me scared of the idea of ever getting my car towed
Seriously Man it’s the worst! The pick up is 10 miles away. I can pay for it tomorrow but I’d rather dispute it because I was within leasing guidelines and didn’t break any rules.
Love you bisco
thanks man, i needed that
Yeah shoot the tow truck guy that’ll show em
They some of the scummiest people on planet earth so yeah
Real talk. I was unloading my gear. I went up to organize my gear, took about 20 minutes, came back and that mfer was towed.
Out of a car for the weekend.
damn bro capitallism though right, at least they're making money on the free market you gotta respect it
damn bro capitallism though right, at least they're making money on the free market you gotta respect it
Lol it was actually a misunderstanding on the tow companies part. You can take your nonsense elsewhere. Thanks for participating.
Lol it was actually a misunderstanding on the tow companies part. You can take your nonsense elsewhere. Thanks for participating.
Nah bro i don't accept participation trophies these new generations just too sensitive and don't know what its like to pull themselves up by their bootstraps and pay their way through college with $200