Dude deserved what he had comin and deserved much worse.
Hip Hop has been better off since his weirdo ass got killed. 6/19/18 is one of the best days in hip hop history if anything. Literally saved the culture from turning into an even bigger circus than it already is at the moment
Ite bruh I clown as much as the next but legit wishing dead on a dude some weirdo s***. Seek help my guy
talking about some “X birthed trap metal” i’m snorkeling
Snorkeling lmfaoo what
niggas itt wishing death on a nigga thats already dead
How that work bruh s*** crazy
Just curious where your line of where you would start mass executing people would be.
Do you factor in at all that, on a pure numbers scale, X probably helped more people than he physically hurt through all the charities and donation s*** that he did? I know for example he's had a more positive impact on the world than I have, even though I haven't beat the s*** out of anyone.
that nigga got chocolate milk coming out his nose
I just imagined this dude out the scuba gear to read his comment tbh
I just imagined this dude out the scuba gear to read his comment tbh
niggas have a weird way of being hoes
Hate when people try to justify death cause someone made mistakes. I wasn’t the biggest x fan then so I’m not gonna act like I am now, but death to anyone is a sad thing period no matter the circumstance. I don’t care if you a school shooter on death row, loss of life sucks.
Hate when people try to justify death cause someone made mistakes. I wasn’t the biggest x fan then so I’m not gonna act like I am now, but death to anyone is a sad thing period no matter the circumstance. I don’t care if you a school shooter on death row, loss of life sucks.
you don't think a school shooter should die?
So in your ideal world anyone who commits a crime at/above to whatever severity you decide (lets say physical/sexual abuse) is executed on the spot once proven guilty?
So in your ideal world anyone who commits a crime at/above to whatever severity you decide (lets say physical/sexual abuse) is executed on the spot once proven guilty?
I'm just asking because you stand so vehemently by your positions that I'm curious if you're consistent. There's nothing weird about these hypothetical situations because it tests your moral system.