wish puppy dropped before ameer got outta there just so we coulda seen their full potential first
wish puppy dropped before ameer got outta there just so we coulda seen their full potential first
Check leak site, full Puppy and some Team Effort tracks next to leak
this fire wtf
eminem ahh beat though
Puppy not dropping was the start of the downfall. They were supposed to be HUGE in 2018 onward man smh
thanks god Brockhampton's Ready for War finally leaked...
thanks god Brockhampton's Ready for War finally leaked...
Hey lil soldier, you ain't ready for war
thanks god Brockhampton's Ready for War finally leaked...
it’s one of those “if you were there” moments trust…quality aside it’s just a nice lil member berry for the day
Still looking for an equal, nobody will believe you.
they signed for 15 mil? ain’t no way they made that back cool song tho
You underestimating how much merch makes
Check leak site, full Puppy and some Team Effort tracks next to leak
I thought full puppy already leaked but that’s pretty cool