  • ye influenced by everything these days except good music. you hate to see it.

  • "There are many ways to build and depict structures that separate and keep people out. Just Google “U.S.-Mexico border wall” to see the variety of structures on the southern border of the United States alone"

    that article is badly written lol Vice became a joke

  • Jan 28
    2 replies

    Ye siding with fascism once again

    Such a reach tbh

  • beflygelt

    Ye siding with fascism once again


  • Jan 29
    1 reply

    Such a reach tbh

    bro the game's creative head literally grew up in illegal settlements in the West Bank, that's the most aggressively Zionist environment you can be in. the article is written by an Israeli who knows quite well what he's talking about when he explains how the game puts you in a very skewed, Zionist perspective.

  • TheRocket64

    Such a reach tbh

  • Kr0niic ☘️
    Jan 29

    bro the game's creative head literally grew up in illegal settlements in the West Bank, that's the most aggressively Zionist environment you can be in. the article is written by an Israeli who knows quite well what he's talking about when he explains how the game puts you in a very skewed, Zionist perspective.

    It’s a reach cause the game completely contradicts what he is saying and views what the author says is “Israel” as murderous psychopaths who abuse and torture what the author is saying is “Palestinians”

  • Input lag gotta be ridiculous on that display no wonder he's stuck for hours

  • Feb 3
    1 reply

    ye has horrible taste in games damn

    Damn breh

  • Feb 5
    2 replies

    Damn breh

    im sayin like the game is coo (even if i think the influence the last of us overall has had on the gaming industry is pretty negative) but it's like saying "yo jurassic park/titanic/insert good blockbuster film is the best film of ALL TIME EVER MADE." it just shows how little you know about the medium

  • Feb 5
    1 reply

    im sayin like the game is coo (even if i think the influence the last of us overall has had on the gaming industry is pretty negative) but it's like saying "yo jurassic park/titanic/insert good blockbuster film is the best film of ALL TIME EVER MADE." it just shows how little you know about the medium

    Just yapping

  • Feb 5
    1 reply

    im sayin like the game is coo (even if i think the influence the last of us overall has had on the gaming industry is pretty negative) but it's like saying "yo jurassic park/titanic/insert good blockbuster film is the best film of ALL TIME EVER MADE." it just shows how little you know about the medium

    Have you played TLOU2 ?? The gameplay has some of the best mechanics ever

  • Feb 5
    1 reply

    Have you played TLOU2 ?? The gameplay has some of the best mechanics ever

    yes, i've played the entire series. "best mechanics ever" this is the kind of s*** im talking about lol. as compared to what? further why are you talking about game mechanics in this way like there's some kind of objective barometer of their quality in isolation from the game itself? best mechanics for the kind of game it is, best for its genre, etc. saying they're the "BEST EVAAR!!" for no reason other than hype doesn't say anything. game mechanics are only good in relation to what they’re facilitating. ninja gaiden doesn’t have different attack strings when you delay attacks like dmc or bayonetta, but that’s necessary for the kind of game it is for a variety of reasons, such as enemies in NG being waaay more aggressive and having overall better, more active AI. saying that one game is better than the other because one has a feature the other doesn’t for example fundamentally misunderstands game design and that the absence of something is just as important as its presence. it’s about preference. to continue the action game example, hitstun in one game can be optional whereas in another it's absolutely vital and removing it literally ruins the entire game like pulling out a brick from a jenga puzzle. games are holistic works that can’t be understood by just a***yzing mechanics in isolation.

    and if you ARE saying they're the best mechanics ever made in any game ever, well, first of all which specific mechanics are we even talking about here, and second, no, they're not, at least not to me and many others lmfao. if it's your favorite game mechanically speaking, good for you though, i would obviously not try to take that away from you. im just saying there are a lot of games out there, and TLOU as a series definitely doesn't appeal to everyone at that same high level that it apparently does for you, so to say they're "the best" is honestly a bit flawed on its face, because we're talking about games as art here, which i consider them to be

  • Drezo

    Just yapping

  • Feb 5
    1 reply

    jUsT yApPiN on a discussion forum made explicitly to yap is crazy boneheaded

  • Feb 5
    1 reply

    yes, i've played the entire series. "best mechanics ever" this is the kind of s*** im talking about lol. as compared to what? further why are you talking about game mechanics in this way like there's some kind of objective barometer of their quality in isolation from the game itself? best mechanics for the kind of game it is, best for its genre, etc. saying they're the "BEST EVAAR!!" for no reason other than hype doesn't say anything. game mechanics are only good in relation to what they’re facilitating. ninja gaiden doesn’t have different attack strings when you delay attacks like dmc or bayonetta, but that’s necessary for the kind of game it is for a variety of reasons, such as enemies in NG being waaay more aggressive and having overall better, more active AI. saying that one game is better than the other because one has a feature the other doesn’t for example fundamentally misunderstands game design and that the absence of something is just as important as its presence. it’s about preference. to continue the action game example, hitstun in one game can be optional whereas in another it's absolutely vital and removing it literally ruins the entire game like pulling out a brick from a jenga puzzle. games are holistic works that can’t be understood by just a***yzing mechanics in isolation.

    and if you ARE saying they're the best mechanics ever made in any game ever, well, first of all which specific mechanics are we even talking about here, and second, no, they're not, at least not to me and many others lmfao. if it's your favorite game mechanically speaking, good for you though, i would obviously not try to take that away from you. im just saying there are a lot of games out there, and TLOU as a series definitely doesn't appeal to everyone at that same high level that it apparently does for you, so to say they're "the best" is honestly a bit flawed on its face, because we're talking about games as art here, which i consider them to be

    You obviously feel VERY strongly about this lmaoooo.
    The combat in TLOU2 is dynamic and very responsive . The dodge mechanic really elevates the close combat encounters you have with enemies . Being able to dodge backwards when avoiding an enemy attack, and in the same motion you could fall back in to the prone position and headshot your enemy…just really dope dynamic stuff like that .
    Also being able to craft, aim, shoot, etc all while in a supine or prone position just feels so nice

    The way you can approach a combat encounter in completely different ways every time you replay the game. And how smart and adaptive the enemies are.

    The combat system was so well made that they were able to develop a roguelike mode with a bunch of modes, bosses, levels, etc.

    Even people who hate the game will admit that the combat is genuinely amazing.
    The combat is one of the big reasons why the game is so acclaimed, and to this day people are still uploading insane combat compilations and showcasing just how dynamic the combat is

    All you have to do is google “TLOU2 combat” to see just how loved and talked about it is

  • There’s no other game that has combat that feels like TLOU2, Naughty Dog developed a really special combat system that is going age ridiculously well

  • vingu

    jUsT yApPiN on a discussion forum made explicitly to yap is crazy boneheaded

    I don't get how calling a critically acclaimed and highly awarded game the "goat" game shows a lack of knowledge of the medium just because it's a popular AAA game sounds pretentious as hell

  • Feb 6

    You obviously feel VERY strongly about this lmaoooo.
    The combat in TLOU2 is dynamic and very responsive . The dodge mechanic really elevates the close combat encounters you have with enemies . Being able to dodge backwards when avoiding an enemy attack, and in the same motion you could fall back in to the prone position and headshot your enemy…just really dope dynamic stuff like that .
    Also being able to craft, aim, shoot, etc all while in a supine or prone position just feels so nice

    The way you can approach a combat encounter in completely different ways every time you replay the game. And how smart and adaptive the enemies are.

    The combat system was so well made that they were able to develop a roguelike mode with a bunch of modes, bosses, levels, etc.

    Even people who hate the game will admit that the combat is genuinely amazing.
    The combat is one of the big reasons why the game is so acclaimed, and to this day people are still uploading insane combat compilations and showcasing just how dynamic the combat is

    All you have to do is google “TLOU2 combat” to see just how loved and talked about it is

    don't know what's funny about me feeling strongly about it, why wouldn't i? im passionate about this. games are art, like i said.

    all i can really say is glad you like it, genuinely. i have watched folks play that arcade mode no return on grounded and it's pretty impressive what they can do, even if i don't think the moment to moment cqc like you showed in those gifs is "genuinely amazing", at least compared to what i primarily play and enjoy, such as the titles i mentioned earlier. i think what it's doing with stealth and movement in terms of its stealth action third person hybrid is what makes TLOU interesting more than anything else it's doing, including the actual moment to moment CQC, which is more of a facet of that bigger goal, but that's because i (and im not the only one who feels this way, since we're using appeal to popularity a bit here, even though that doesn't actually matter) enjoy something vastly different when it comes to combat in games from you. there's literally no problem with that at all, different strokes for different folks.