untrue one of the best albums i ever heard for real
gotta be in like my top 10 maybe even higher
and hiders one of my favourite songs too that s*** is od beautiful
I love burial but I wish y’all appreciated other people from the same scene. They was some really good stuff dropping
Look, I know Come Down to Us tends to have that effect on people, but y’all need to chill.
another good way to get into other artists from the time is there is comp tape called Box of Dub: Dubstep and Future Dub which has songs from all the artists from the time
another good way to get into other artists from the time is there is comp tape called Box of Dub: Dubstep and Future Dub which has songs from all the artists from the time
!https://youtu.be/cIfJVR_XSEcHyperdub also have some good comps
Hyperdub also have some good comps
Hyperdub a goated label shoutout to kode9