not sure what u were trying 2 accomplish with this thread
troll just trolling per usual
a good mod would've locked + muted already
If you played any song from that era of hip hop today it would sound 'dated', doesn't mean I don't listen to it tho
When they say age they usually mean lyrics, no? Drake hasn't been around that long. We'll have to circle back
yes people usually do mean lyrics with all the shock value crap
Kanye been around almost as long as Em, much closer to his generation than Drake
True true. Amended, thanks
If you played any song from that era of hip hop today it would sound 'dated', doesn't mean I don't listen to it tho
I accept that
And other 4 songs on Global chart on Spotify.
No album in 3 years.
Numbers don’t lie
now do usa
Op really made this resentful ass thread instead of like idk posting his favorite em songs
Op really made this resentful ass thread instead of like idk posting his favorite em songs
I will do
Eminem fans be so insecure
it's what happens when your respect for one genre is limited to one artist
Eminem has 5/6 songs on top 200 for 1 year.
What are you talking about?
1. spotify GLOBAL not USA.
2. we know eminem is big outside USA (look at his skin)
3. Now do hot 100
yes people usually do mean lyrics with all the shock value crap
If we believe trends are circular, then horrorcore will be in fashion again someday
1. spotify GLOBAL not USA.
2. we know eminem is big outside USA (look at his skin)
3. Now do hot 100
(look at his skin) absolutely floored me
1. spotify GLOBAL not USA.
2. we know eminem is big outside USA (look at his skin)
3. Now do hot 100
When they say that I'm pretty sure they don't mean his most popular songs dude
"How did Cardi B's album age badly if the hit singles are still on the charts?"
If we believe trends are circular, then horrorcore will be in fashion again someday
zoomers aren't interested in shock value
zoomers aren't interested in shock value
Now this is a great point that warrants a thread/exploration
mockingbird entered spotify usa charts november 2nd 2022 for the FIRST time... it's clear something happened to make it jump up lmao @op
Now this is a great point that warrants a thread/exploration
horrorcore will never be more than independent, like Hopsin / Russ / Tom McDonald