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  • Jun 22, 2020


    Anti gun is a very lib stance lol

    yeah if anything it shows how ktt is mostly very liberal on most issues which is what the general political discourse is dominated by so it would makes sense lol

  • Jun 22, 2020

    having a gun for peace of mind is literally the stupidest myth the US of A has ever produced

    I'm curious, what do you mean by stupid myth?

  • Jun 22, 2020

    Imagine wanting to abolish the police and then get mad when a law abiding citizen wants to legally purchase a firearm to protect himself

  • Jun 22, 2020
    1 reply

    OP of all the people on this site should NOT own a gun

  • Jun 22, 2020

    OP of all the people on this site should NOT own a gun

    Those pizzas won't get stuffed themselves

  • Jun 22, 2020

    Always wanted one for peace of mind and I'm a advocate of the 2nd amendment.

    Got inspired from this YouTube channel of a very skilled shooter on YouTube.

    Basically he proves you can train at home, and become very good. By doing dry fire drills and with repetition.


    He has way more training videos, and if a gun owner follows his videos they'll be ahead of 99% of the population in regards to weapons handling, it's kind of an art tbh

    Still deciding on what I want.

    Good to hear! Always support someone trying to exercise their second amendment rights. If you'd like some advice on what to purchase feel free to respond here!

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