has anyone fried all their remaining brain cells and watched the whole 3+ hour drink champs yet? anything new come out of it?
I’ve actually for the first time stayed away from it. Cant take it man.
has anyone fried all their remaining brain cells and watched the whole 3+ hour drink champs yet? anything new come out of it?
I sat and watched the whole thing live yesterday
i can’t imagine every watching it again
has anyone fried all their remaining brain cells and watched the whole 3+ hour drink champs yet? anything new come out of it?
He rly doesn't like jews
Ye bouta pull an elon and back out of the deal when he makes up some lie about the liberals botting the site or something like that
kinda interesting to see ye enter the acquisitions game. would be cool to see him do it with fashion lol, and not radical social media sites
This b-word Kim really said wearing a Trump hat is small D energy
shut up dumbass
How much could Parler cost realistically? $14.99?
It’s free on the App Store, why would Ye buy it? 😭
Is it only banned in the U.S? Sure I downloaded it this morning in uk
Crine. Mans gonna follow Ye right off a cliff too.
I just realized wanting an uncancelable ecosystem
Literally means ye is tryna make a new stormfront
Candace Owens husband is the CEO of Parler so the grift finally reveals itself. What a shameless piece of s***.