  • Oct 17, 2022

    “they want a tall guy like me”

    😒i would’ve stopped the interview and walked out before he even got to fentanyl 🦇 conspiracy

    he thinks he’s tall? 😳


  • Oct 17, 2022

    “they want a tall guy like me”

    😒i would’ve stopped the interview and walked out before he even got to fentanyl 🦇 conspiracy

    he thinks he’s tall? 😳

    He’s talking about George Floyd saying that and implying that it’s staged and Floyd signed up for it yep, pure insanity

  • Oct 17, 2022
    1 reply

    “they want a tall guy like me”

    😒i would’ve stopped the interview and walked out before he even got to fentanyl 🦇 conspiracy

    he thinks he’s tall? 😳

    he's referring to Floyd when he says that

  • Oct 17, 2022
    1 reply

    he's referring to Floyd when he says that

    okay i get it. i’ve been shell shocked by ye rants

  • Oct 17, 2022
    1 reply

    this is such rubbish, Candace is way less rich, famous, influential, talented and powerful than Ye. She can't make him do anything. He wants to listen to her.

    He could easily listen to someone close like Push and have a very different approach to all this stuff. If he chooses to take advice to Candace that's up to him.

    People always try and blame some advisor or girlfriend for someone's outlandish behaviour when really Ye's the more powerful one out of the two of them. This is on him.

    this is facts tbh

    we all treat Ye like some lil ass kid

  • Oct 17, 2022
    2 replies
    Scratchin Mamba

    Yeah but there's some nuance in it when she's obviously taking advantage of his mental state now

    He still responsible for not looking for adequate treatment tho

    Idk I'm pretty sure he put on the MAGA hat before he even met Candace. He was already on this path. If it hadn't been Candace in his ear it would have just been a different alt-right nut job

  • AudioConsulting

    okay i get it. i’ve been shell shocked by ye rants

    I mean it’s equally insane

  • Oct 17, 2022
    1 reply

    this is such rubbish, Candace is way less rich, famous, influential, talented and powerful than Ye. She can't make him do anything. He wants to listen to her.

    He could easily listen to someone close like Push and have a very different approach to all this stuff. If he chooses to take advice to Candace that's up to him.

    People always try and blame some advisor or girlfriend for someone's outlandish behaviour when really Ye's the more powerful one out of the two of them. This is on him.

    check your damn messages boy, wonderful to see you

    also, that's not really the point, candace is clearly taking advantage of kanye's overall ignorance in politics and crumbling mental state + indoctrinating him with rightoid conservative conspiracies and talking points

    that's not to say he didn't possibly harbor some of these thoughts/feelings before, but it's an entirely different ballgame to have a team of people actively encouraging you in these deluded and misplaced thoughts

  • Oct 17, 2022
    2 replies

    We should've manipulated Kanye to become a communist when we had the chance

  • Oct 17, 2022

    We should've manipulated Kanye to become a communist when we had the chance

    Chairman West purchases "uncancelable ecosystem" leftypol

  • Oct 17, 2022
    4 replies

    I’m so glad Ye is bringing back free speech on Parler!

  • Oct 17, 2022

    I’m so glad Ye is bringing back free speech on Parler!


  • Lou

    We should've manipulated Kanye to become a communist when we had the chance

    We have to astroturf Parler and turn it leftist

  • Oct 17, 2022
    1 reply


    u first

  • Oct 17, 2022

    Can’t wait to buy the new stem player so I could project a Parler live feed onto my wall

  • Oct 17, 2022
    1 reply

    this is such rubbish, Candace is way less rich, famous, influential, talented and powerful than Ye. She can't make him do anything. He wants to listen to her.

    He could easily listen to someone close like Push and have a very different approach to all this stuff. If he chooses to take advice to Candace that's up to him.

    People always try and blame some advisor or girlfriend for someone's outlandish behaviour when really Ye's the more powerful one out of the two of them. This is on him.

    i think this proves you can’t just let people rant on a microphone without checking him/her

    especially on s*** like margaret sanger

    they need a fact checker on all ye podcasts like jamie from Rogan

    although he was sleeping on that cat litter box teacher nonsense

  • Oct 17, 2022

    this is facts tbh

    we all treat Ye like some lil ass kid

    he could have anyone he wants around him with the money, talent,
    fame and respect he's had. He chooses his circle.

    And like I say there are so many people around him who would urge him to go in a different direction. To me he's selfishly choosing to indulge in this rhetoric because he thinks it will get him the most attention, it gives him something to rile against (which he's used as a sometimes justified narrative his whole career) and at the end of the day, it's hardly surprising a billionaire is supporting the right. The political faction literally set up to support the super rich's interests lol. Ye's just choosing to support the Trump right rather than the old school, managerial right because it suits his aesthetic and pop culture heavy/anti-establishment approach more.

  • Oct 17, 2022
    1 reply

  • i was addicted to this site anyways. if it closes down, it’s the silver lining

  • Oct 17, 2022

    Lick of the century. Piece of s*** app that nobody even uses gets bought out by a billionaire

  • Oct 17, 2022

    I’m so glad Ye is bringing back free speech on Parler!

  • Oct 17, 2022
    1 reply

    Idk I'm pretty sure he put on the MAGA hat before he even met Candace. He was already on this path. If it hadn't been Candace in his ear it would have just been a different alt-right nut job

    Ideology is one thing, since she ostensibly believes what she says. Scamming him with a dead social media platform is another.

  • Oct 17, 2022
    1 reply
    Hi Roller

    u first

    Site was better when you was muted sooooo

  • Oct 17, 2022
    cold mountain

    check your damn messages boy, wonderful to see you

    also, that's not really the point, candace is clearly taking advantage of kanye's overall ignorance in politics and crumbling mental state + indoctrinating him with rightoid conservative conspiracies and talking points

    that's not to say he didn't possibly harbor some of these thoughts/feelings before, but it's an entirely different ballgame to have a team of people actively encouraging you in these deluded and misplaced thoughts

    there'll always be a team of people encouraging influential stars to go down this route though. Political lobbyists have and always will exist. These types of political campaigners just hadn't had that much luck with people like Ye before

    And will check them today

  • Oct 17, 2022

    Site was better when you was muted sooooo

