He probably doesn't even know that Parler is banned on iOS/Android
Not banned anymore
He didn’t purchase it he said he’s gonna
He also said he’s gonna build communities and make affordable shoes
None of his fans are moving to that s***
This will seperate the brain dead ones from the real niggas.
Anyone unironically on Parler itt needs to be banned btw
Im on it as a high level joke
I’m so glad Ye is bringing back free speech on Parler!
illegal nfl livestream chat vibes
listening to Say You Will crying & shidding rn what’s going on
Broke my heart when he said Love Lockdown and he started singing Say You Will in that Drink Champs interview
None of his fans are moving to that s***
You gotta remember what ye’s fanbase is now
I’ve talked to people who literally say they became a fan because of the antics not the music, this is the case for most people under 25
A good amount of the yandhi crowd will definitely go. And a decent portion of that crowd is right wing anyway
I will say this. I don’t agree with the agenda on Parler. But Meta, and Twitter are not much better. Censorship is a serious rabbit hole that can lead to terrible stuff. It’s important that everyone should acknowledge that things like Parler exist from the Lefts inability to form meaningful action. New institutions and new models need to exist outside the current sphere of the companies who own the digital market.
I thought this app was just a honeypot for feds
Everything is a honeypot for the feds, even KTT
He should rebrand it to a kanye blog. no logins. no accounts. just kanye speaking his mind and no one can interact with it. that would get more downloads than a racist social media
s***s depressing how dude made a name for himself off being a IG comment spammer but ive never seen him on a placement anywhere
cant even leverage that
his actual music is absolute garbage no amount of clout is gon help that
his best bet is to steal beats from other niggas or something
One step above purchasing 8chan and claiming it’s a beacon of free speech for conservatives
Just signed up, seems pretty chill. Just conservatives, boomer humor and a couple of hateful leftists trolling the gun related posts