  • AR15 💯
    Nov 21, 2021

    So we are punishing the citizens of the country for the actions of a government that they didnt even elect? This is f***ed up.

  • OP
    Nov 21, 2021
    1 reply

    I change the title to We because we have to take liability because these congressmen and women are our representatives

    they’re our elected officials beholden to us we have to maintain democracy by holding them accountable and letting them know what is right

  • Nov 21, 2021

    Biden saw the thread title and made the call OP on borrowed time

  • OP
    Nov 21, 2021

    I honestly believe the general populace of our country are good people who are best for all, maybe these members of Congress forget or are misguided we need to remind them

  • Nov 21, 2021

    They let us starve so what you some other country going to get. Gotta stop being surprised

  • Nov 21, 2021

    Crine Biden sent shooters at OP

  • Nov 21, 2021

    Also nigga why you say me I aint tell them niggas to f*** with those afghanis i aint got no beef with them dudes

  • Nov 21, 2021

    What do y’all suggest we do? Since all of y’all are expert politicians

  • barko milicic

    Mf tried telling me the Holocaust wasn’t that bad before. He’s blocked now.

    U lying son of a b**** I never said nothing about the Holocaust y’all some f***ing weirdos

  • Nov 21, 2021
    1 reply

    The thing is There’s complete consensus amongst the Muslims even western scholars in Oxford or Harvard word that Abu Bakr and Omar were the Prophet closest companions, them leading the the Muslim community unanimously without dispute in the presence of all his companions , Abu Bakar and Umar lead the Muslims to conquer both the Byzantine and Sasanian , they were at the helm and they ruled not by force but by election of

    When the prophet died the Arabs were still nomadic tribes that lived in a completely decentralized egalitarian society each man ruled theirselves because they were all pastoral people with their own wealth (camels) and they lived so spread out they ruled their own lands, they lived so independently and they could only be swayed by what they believed unlike a agrarian society full of settled farmers and social hierarchy

    Abu Bakr and Omar had lead humblely as servants and the had to have consensus from the people there is no standing army or nor could people be forced by the sword to comply

    Shia detest Abu Bakr and Omar for ending the Sasanian empire, Shiism is a racial pride sect like the Black Israelites

    Just like the black Israelite I guess some of the framework gives people structure it’s better than nothing but they’re astray. Its not like the real and true guidance of Islam that is for each and every person and every situation perfectly

    There are many sects in Islam. Islam is one of the most divided religions. Argument for who was closer to Muhammad (PBUH) Abu Bakr or Ali (AS) is ongoing between the ulemma. Mola Ali (as) was the prophet's son in law. Fatemah (as) is considered one of the highest figures "a saint"!!! How dare sunnis go against Hassan and Hussein aka the prophet's grand sons!

    Anyway none of this s*** matters. Muslims game of thrones bullshit is stupid.

    Stop using tax payers money and the country's resources to build f***ing mosques and build schools instead.

  • Damn Biden really got OP shook

  • OP
    Nov 21, 2021
    1 reply
    Frankito Reynolds

    There are many sects in Islam. Islam is one of the most divided religions. Argument for who was closer to Muhammad (PBUH) Abu Bakr or Ali (AS) is ongoing between the ulemma. Mola Ali (as) was the prophet's son in law. Fatemah (as) is considered one of the highest figures "a saint"!!! How dare sunnis go against Hassan and Hussein aka the prophet's grand sons!

    Anyway none of this s*** matters. Muslims game of thrones bullshit is stupid.

    Stop using tax payers money and the country's resources to build f***ing mosques and build schools instead.

    Amoung tbe Sunni the Game of Thrones completely doesn’t exist be we’re not divided, things went how it was supposed to

  • Nov 21, 2021
    1 reply

    Amoung tbe Sunni the Game of Thrones completely doesn’t exist be we’re not divided, things went how it was supposed to

    What do you mean it doesnt exist? yall suck up to Abu Bakr and Omar's as much as shias suck up to Ali & Hussein

  • Nov 21, 2021

    Irish Joe put out the hit

  • OP
    Nov 21, 2021
    1 reply
    Frankito Reynolds

    What do you mean it doesnt exist? yall suck up to Abu Bakr and Omar's as much as shias suck up to Ali & Hussein

    We like Ali and Husain too

    That factionalism doesn’t exist among us

  • Nov 21, 2021
    2 replies

    We like Ali and Husain too

    That factionalism doesn’t exist among us

    The ulemma on each side got people to believe in different versions of history lmao. I bet you think people of Kufa were the evil people who killed hussain and not Yazid the Ummayad Khalifa .. anyway s*** that happened 1400 years ago don't matter. It's all a sham. Stop building mosques with f***ing golden domes and build schools instead.

  • Nov 21, 2021
    1 reply
    Frankito Reynolds

    The ulemma on each side got people to believe in different versions of history lmao. I bet you think people of Kufa were the evil people who killed hussain and not Yazid the Ummayad Khalifa .. anyway s*** that happened 1400 years ago don't matter. It's all a sham. Stop building mosques with f***ing golden domes and build schools instead.

    Everything that happened after the prophet’s death & the revelation of the Qu’ran should be made irrelevant.

    All the historical “X should’ve been Khalifa, Y should’ve been Khalifa” is mad corny and political. This is exactly what concerned the prophet on his death bed.

    If you don’t believe that Muhammad PBUH was the last prophet, you’re technically not considered a Muslim by definition.

    People that claim other prophet’s as the last prophet, need to call their religions Abrahamic and not Islamic.

  • Nov 21, 2021
    1 reply

    Everything that happened after the prophet’s death & the revelation of the Qu’ran should be made irrelevant.

    All the historical “X should’ve been Khalifa, Y should’ve been Khalifa” is mad corny and political. This is exactly what concerned the prophet on his death bed.

    If you don’t believe that Muhammad PBUH was the last prophet, you’re technically not considered a Muslim by definition.

    People that claim other prophet’s as the last prophet, need to call their religions Abrahamic and not Islamic.

    Lol. You are being funny.

    Muslims believe in hadiths! Dont they?

    Which by the way i personally find amusing to say the least

    Do you know what a hadith is? Hadiths authencity expands beyond the propophets lifetime. It 100% matters what happened after, where the sayings come from, the blood line and close family etc ...

  • Nov 21, 2021
    1 reply
    Frankito Reynolds

    Lol. You are being funny.

    Muslims believe in hadiths! Dont they?

    Which by the way i personally find amusing to say the least

    Do you know what a hadith is? Hadiths authencity expands beyond the propophets lifetime. It 100% matters what happened after, where the sayings come from, the blood line and close family etc ...

    I meant the history, the feuds over power & the politics. Not the academic interpretations, continued learning & hadiths lol


    I meant the history, the feuds over power & the politics. Not the academic interpretations, continued learning & hadiths lol

    It goes hand in hand buddy.

    Believing in hadiths means it doesnt just stop with the prophets deaths cause the hadiths were gathered after

  • Nov 21, 2021
    1 reply

    Increasing the US' sphere of influence was the goal. Done

    Bruh, you know damn well the weirdo s*** Pakistan does in that regime is a result of its relationship with India.

    Osama was living in a compound watching Naruto in Pakistan.

    So talking about Pakistan risking relationships... Lol

    You're also talking about liberating the Afghani people... Nigga you know damn well its about sphere of influence, if they get liberated and westernized along the way, its whatever to the American government.

    You also know damn well the difficulty in doing anything in a region when other countries are also trying to increase there sphere of influence or trying to destabilize their neighbors.

    The U.S, Iran, KSA & the previous Afghan Gov: “Unfff omg yaaa babe just keep blaming Pakistan oh my God F*** I’m cuuummminggggg”

  • Biden sent OP the "This is HOV" text.

  • OP
    Nov 21, 2021
    Frankito Reynolds

    The ulemma on each side got people to believe in different versions of history lmao. I bet you think people of Kufa were the evil people who killed hussain and not Yazid the Ummayad Khalifa .. anyway s*** that happened 1400 years ago don't matter. It's all a sham. Stop building mosques with f***ing golden domes and build schools instead.

    That’s not even important , that’s what I’m talking about, Shia people like talking about useless bickering