  • Nov 20, 2021
    1 reply

    Niggas be like let em starve unless they send women to school…Nigga they’ll be starved half dead before they even get to school. F*** is you talking about @KuntaKinte

  • Nov 20, 2021
    1 reply
    Frankito Reynolds

    Here is the hard truth. Forbidding doing business with governments that do not allow women to seek education should be a worldwide law . However, sanctions should not be put on essential things for living like medicine for example ... and they aint. Export of pfizer vaccine to Iran was never banned! the current covid crisis there and the high number of deaths is due to the Ayatollah believing the west had laced the vaccines with bad intentions.

    There arent any sanctions put on export of food or medicine to Afghanistan. Biden is simply blocking the cash. Fair enough. It is up to Taliban now to come up with the money.

    And don't worry, china got their back. They will give em rice and sugar for a fair price.. even if Taliban don't have cash up front Xi will set up a 25-50 year long deal to raid the country. Like I said Uncle Xi and Auntie Kim will help Akhundzada set up a security and control system that gonna make stalin blush 😊

    I don’t give a f*** about worldwide law enforced by the most imperialist and exploitative country in the world. Afghanistan’s regime isn’t being recognized and there are embargos in place both of which are blocking any type of trade. They are literally forced to comply with China.

  • Nov 20, 2021
    Not Like Josuke

    I’d rather be dead than a b**** ass nigga like you and whoever else is justifying this

  • Nov 20, 2021
    1 reply

    I don’t give a f*** about worldwide law enforced by the most imperialist and exploitative country in the world. Afghanistan’s regime isn’t being recognized and there are embargos in place both of which are blocking any type of trade. They are literally forced to comply with China.

    Well yeah f*** the USA establishment but Talliban ain't getting that money. It would look bad if anything. They need to sanction them first so that when they start doing deals with them via the dark web and the back alleys Talibanis be alredy at a huge disadvantage.

    Worldwide sanctions should be put on Taliban so that they go away. But that aint happening. CIA is the first to cheat and set up the black market deals.
    Plus Uncle Xi got Talibans back so Taliban aint going anywhere no matter how much Afghan ppl hate em.

  • Nov 20, 2021
    2 replies
    Frankito Reynolds

    Well yeah f*** the USA establishment but Talliban ain't getting that money. It would look bad if anything. They need to sanction them first so that when they start doing deals with them via the dark web and the back alleys Talibanis be alredy at a huge disadvantage.

    Worldwide sanctions should be put on Taliban so that they go away. But that aint happening. CIA is the first to cheat and set up the black market deals.
    Plus Uncle Xi got Talibans back so Taliban aint going anywhere no matter how much Afghan ppl hate em.

    I realize the calculated intent of freezing all assets. I understand it’s not gonna be alleviated. My beef is with people justifying this on moral grounds. Nothing this country has ever done in foreign policy could ever be warranted on moral grounds. That’s just brain fodder for the public to eat up.

    We could have built Afghanistan up to be a semi self sustainable country in those 20 years. We have millitary bases from Germany to Antarctica and couldn’t “win” against a couple thousand mountain bound Taliban. We coule have made sure a smooth transition was taking place a few months ago. We could have freed Hiz-b-Islami people like we promised & let them be the natural opposition to the Taliban and puppet regime.

    There are very great political reasons we didn’t do any of that. I don’t want morals anywhere near these discussions, for the love of god. Everything we ever do is to improve geopolitical or financial standing, everything we say is to make us look good in front of gullible niggas like @KuntaKinte .

  • Nov 20, 2021
    1 reply

    I realize the calculated intent of freezing all assets. I understand it’s not gonna be alleviated. My beef is with people justifying this on moral grounds. Nothing this country has ever done in foreign policy could ever be warranted on moral grounds. That’s just brain fodder for the public to eat up.

    We could have built Afghanistan up to be a semi self sustainable country in those 20 years. We have millitary bases from Germany to Antarctica and couldn’t “win” against a couple thousand mountain bound Taliban. We coule have made sure a smooth transition was taking place a few months ago. We could have freed Hiz-b-Islami people like we promised & let them be the natural opposition to the Taliban and puppet regime.

    There are very great political reasons we didn’t do any of that. I don’t want morals anywhere near these discussions, for the love of god. Everything we ever do is to improve geopolitical or financial standing, everything we say is to make us look good in front of gullible niggas like @KuntaKinte .

    Well yeah there aint nothing morally right about what US done. You can sugar coat manure all you want but it aint no donut jelly.

  • Nov 20, 2021
    Frankito Reynolds

    Well yeah there aint nothing morally right about what US done. You can sugar coat manure all you want but it aint no donut jelly.

    We need more people to use their common sense and realize that in order to have thoughtful discussions and any real change in public perception.

  • Nov 20, 2021

    Biden does not live on our plane of existence, he's getting a malt at the Big Bopper in Wilmington with his friends Sal Mineo and Natalie Wood after beating Frank, the Big Cheese, Gunderson in a hot rod race down main street in 1958 right now.

  • Nov 20, 2021
    2 replies

    I realize the calculated intent of freezing all assets. I understand it’s not gonna be alleviated. My beef is with people justifying this on moral grounds. Nothing this country has ever done in foreign policy could ever be warranted on moral grounds. That’s just brain fodder for the public to eat up.

    We could have built Afghanistan up to be a semi self sustainable country in those 20 years. We have millitary bases from Germany to Antarctica and couldn’t “win” against a couple thousand mountain bound Taliban. We coule have made sure a smooth transition was taking place a few months ago. We could have freed Hiz-b-Islami people like we promised & let them be the natural opposition to the Taliban and puppet regime.

    There are very great political reasons we didn’t do any of that. I don’t want morals anywhere near these discussions, for the love of god. Everything we ever do is to improve geopolitical or financial standing, everything we say is to make us look good in front of gullible niggas like @KuntaKinte .

    Lmao, no one ever said anything was about morals.

    The western world isn't going to free up assets for the Taliban and no amount of starving children are going to change that.

    If the Taliban wants that money, they need to comply.

    No s*** its not about morals you goofy, you tagged me 3 times because you can't comprehend that forcing a government to comply by withholding funds is about geopolitics and sphere of influence.

    Also, the Taliban is literally being funded by Pakistan. No s*** America wasn't going to win a war against a group of people when a 3rd party is involved that everyone just happens to ignore lmao.

    So yes, I repeat, let them starve, the entire point of sanctions is to cause an immense level of suffering on a populace in order to get their regime to comply with geopolitical demands. If the Taliban doesn't want them to starve then they'll comply

    The Taliban has literally appointed people who are sanctioned by the entire US Government into the state apparatus.

  • Nov 20, 2021

    He not responsible for Afghanistan lol he usa president wtf lol he not god bro what u want him to do

    Yikes, Afghanistan President literally Peace Out to jetski in Dubai leaving all his citizens to taliban.

  • Nov 20, 2021
    1 reply

    Lmao, no one ever said anything was about morals.

    The western world isn't going to free up assets for the Taliban and no amount of starving children are going to change that.

    If the Taliban wants that money, they need to comply.

    No s*** its not about morals you goofy, you tagged me 3 times because you can't comprehend that forcing a government to comply by withholding funds is about geopolitics and sphere of influence.

    Also, the Taliban is literally being funded by Pakistan. No s*** America wasn't going to win a war against a group of people when a 3rd party is involved that everyone just happens to ignore lmao.

    So yes, I repeat, let them starve, the entire point of sanctions is to cause an immense level of suffering on a populace in order to get their regime to comply with geopolitical demands. If the Taliban doesn't want them to starve then they'll comply

    The Taliban has literally appointed people who are sanctioned by the entire US Government into the state apparatus.

    Bro we never wanted a “win”. We couldn’t seize the place straight up. This isn’t the 1800s. That would have looked terrible. We’ve known where the Taliban stay and retrat to for almost 30 years now - Pakistan.

    We could have decimated thrm and Pakistan wouldn’t have done s***. USA is Pakistan’s second biggest supplier of weapons. They would never risk their relationship with America over their desire to keep Afghanistan in hell.

    What outcome do you really think was our goal? Liberation of the afghan people? We want that place as destabilized as possible & we got what we wanted. A puppet country isn’t possible - afghans aren’t gonna let that happen. Remember when they kicked peak Britain out 3 consecutive times?

    Also, how the f*** are you defending the starvation of an entire country? “Let them starve” gotta be the coldest f***ing thing I’ve ever heard anybody say on this site.

  • Nov 20, 2021
    1 reply

    Bro we never wanted a “win”. We couldn’t seize the place straight up. This isn’t the 1800s. That would have looked terrible. We’ve known where the Taliban stay and retrat to for almost 30 years now - Pakistan.

    We could have decimated thrm and Pakistan wouldn’t have done s***. USA is Pakistan’s second biggest supplier of weapons. They would never risk their relationship with America over their desire to keep Afghanistan in hell.

    What outcome do you really think was our goal? Liberation of the afghan people? We want that place as destabilized as possible & we got what we wanted. A puppet country isn’t possible - afghans aren’t gonna let that happen. Remember when they kicked peak Britain out 3 consecutive times?

    Also, how the f*** are you defending the starvation of an entire country? “Let them starve” gotta be the coldest f***ing thing I’ve ever heard anybody say on this site.

    Increasing the US' sphere of influence was the goal. Done

    Bruh, you know damn well the weirdo s*** Pakistan does in that regime is a result of its relationship with India.

    Osama was living in a compound watching Naruto in Pakistan.

    So talking about Pakistan risking relationships... Lol

    You're also talking about liberating the Afghani people... Nigga you know damn well its about sphere of influence, if they get liberated and westernized along the way, its whatever to the American government.

    You also know damn well the difficulty in doing anything in a region when other countries are also trying to increase there sphere of influence or trying to destabilize their neighbors.

  • DZE

    No other avy has made me laugh more than this one

  • Goldmenace

    No matter how many times I’ve seen this s*** randomly posted on here it will always make me laugh

    What is that pose

  • Nov 20, 2021
    1 reply

    Do you think that money would go to those children in the first place?

    Like did you think giving that money to that government does any good to the people there? It just empowers the current government.

  • Nov 20, 2021
    1 reply

    Propaganda got niggas defending the US GOVERNMENT bruh

    Propaganda got you niggas being the mouthpiece for the Taliban and Kim Jong-Un so…

  • SBMike

    Propaganda got you niggas being the mouthpiece for the Taliban and Kim Jong-Un so…

    You both right lol

  • Nov 20, 2021

    America is too worried about Covid an mask mandates that Danish Swedish and German scientists have said again and again masks are useless lol

    Word!? Link

  • Nov 20, 2021
    1 reply

    Do you think that money would go to those children in the first place?

    Like did you think giving that money to that government does any good to the people there? It just empowers the current government.

    Islamic governments suck
    The money goes to building mosques and spreading propoganda

    Check out the luxury shrines.

    Iran is also pouring hundreds of millions of dollars into developing Shi’ite shrines with golden domes in Iraq to expand their influence.

    Iran got 30%+ inflation yet the government wastes money on bullshit like this and supporting braindead militias. Ayatollahs influence in the region is toxic. Iran needs a regimme change before anything good can happen in Iraq and Afghanistan.

  • OP
    Nov 20, 2021
    1 reply
    Frankito Reynolds

    Islamic governments suck
    The money goes to building mosques and spreading propoganda

    Check out the luxury shrines.

    Iran is also pouring hundreds of millions of dollars into developing Shi’ite shrines with golden domes in Iraq to expand their influence.

    Iran got 30%+ inflation yet the government wastes money on bullshit like this and supporting braindead militias. Ayatollahs influence in the region is toxic. Iran needs a regimme change before anything good can happen in Iraq and Afghanistan.

    Mousqes are supposed to be the center part of society where people learn, its their universities , their networking center, where people replenish their zeal for life, where people go to support when they’re down men and women, strengthening the morals and integrity community , strength in the social ties people need to go there and pray five times a day

    Even if you’re having financial rules like to come to the mosque to get support from your brother at the mosque if you’re need to grieve for a loss of a spouse you go to the mask from support from your brothers if you’re feeling generous and you want to help someone you go to the mosque and look for someone in need

    The mosque is very important place also extravagance is wrong and the prophet warned us against lavish buildings when people are in need

  • Nov 20, 2021
    3 replies

    dude has to be one of the worst humans on this site

  • Nov 20, 2021
    1 reply

    Mousqes are supposed to be the center part of society where people learn, its their universities , their networking center, where people replenish their zeal for life, where people go to support when they’re down men and women, strengthening the morals and integrity community , strength in the social ties people need to go there and pray five times a day

    Even if you’re having financial rules like to come to the mosque to get support from your brother at the mosque if you’re need to grieve for a loss of a spouse you go to the mask from support from your brothers if you’re feeling generous and you want to help someone you go to the mosque and look for someone in need

    The mosque is very important place also extravagance is wrong and the prophet warned us against lavish buildings when people are in need

    Yeah it supposed to be but it aint.

    Mosques were the place where people learned to read and write back in the 7th century but we are way passed that now. They should put money into schools and real universities..

    Here is the irony each university got a supreme leader representative office and a mosque that is there for their little group cult meetings.

  • OP
    Nov 20, 2021
    1 reply
    Frankito Reynolds

    Yeah it supposed to be but it aint.

    Mosques were the place where people learned to read and write back in the 7th century but we are way passed that now. They should put money into schools and real universities..

    Here is the irony each university got a supreme leader representative office and a mosque that is there for their little group cult meetings.

    They are for the youth I know mouqes that teach kids different languages science like language syntax and etymology theology jurisprudence ontology also martial arts and other physical activities

  • Nov 20, 2021
    1 reply

    They are for the youth I know mouqes that teach kids different languages science like language syntax and etymology theology jurisprudence ontology also martial arts and other physical activities

    They should make leisure centres with proper facilities and gyms for the youth...

    There is no justification for building shrines and sending gold blocks to Karbala to make the Zahra Shrine Dome shiny when the school buses and schools are in this condition in one of the most oil rich provinces in Iran.

    Children are burning alive in school fires because they still use crude oil heaters from the previous century. The Islamic "republic" has failed the people.

  • OP
    Nov 20, 2021
    1 reply
    Frankito Reynolds

    They should make leisure centres with proper facilities and gyms for the youth...

    There is no justification for building shrines and sending gold blocks to Karbala to make the Zahra Shrine Dome shiny when the school buses and schools are in this condition in one of the most oil rich provinces in Iran.

    Children are burning alive in school fires because they still use crude oil heaters from the previous century. The Islamic "republic" has failed the people.

    Sorry to say but Shia is a misguided sect that relies on elaborate myths , strange processions and exorbitant ornaments like pagan traditions to lure and lull believers

    Islamic orthodoxy is without hoopla and all about pragmatism and actual long term benefit to society despite in praxis many failing but many are successful like Malaysia Indonesia Singapore Pakistan Saudi Turkey Bahrain Kuwait Qatar Bangladesh even Centeal Asian countries like Uzbek Azeri Turkmenistan Tajik and soon many more, hopefully even Iran will steer away from their recently introduced heresy and misguidance (from the 18th century)
