But really glad both call of duty and battlefield taking 2023 off so 2024 they really got to come with it. 2023 we should have some multiplayer shooters still I believe
Why do people keep running right next to cars that have been known to explode for 15 years
But really glad both call of duty and battlefield taking 2023 off so 2024 they really got to come with it. 2023 we should have some multiplayer shooters still I believe
shotguns are fun hehe. was shredding tn a good bit. key for me is to switch from respawn games and search and keep them in a shuffle. i hate playing only one or the other i lose my interest too quick esp if it’s just search
Why do people keep running right next to cars that have been known to explode for 15 years
You literally don’t have a choice on that map
You literally don’t have a choice on that map
use the access road or tunnel lanes
blow cars up yourself
if you're playing OBJ, just hang back unless need be
not that crazy. if you can die by car explosions, so can your enemy. take advantage of that as well
use the access road or tunnel lanes
blow cars up yourself
if you're playing OBJ, just hang back unless need be
not that crazy. if you can die by car explosions, so can your enemy. take advantage of that as well
It is asinine map design to have 40 death traps and one hallway to flank in with arbitrarily placed geometry to head glitch behind and some more death traps and dead angles to hide behind next to the only tunnel to flank in.
And that poor brother was tryna get his ass in that tunnel before dying to one of the 72 cars on the map.
It is asinine map design to have 40 death traps and one hallway to flank in with arbitrarily placed geometry to head glitch behind and some more death traps and dead angles to hide behind next to the only tunnel to flank in.
And that poor brother was tryna get his ass in that tunnel before dying to one of the 72 cars on the map.
my first game of MW2 was on the map nd i loved it because i didn't run acorss a million unexploded cars get good fam
my first game of MW2 was on the map nd i loved it because i didn't run acorss a million unexploded cars get good fam
If anybody gotta get good it’s them niggas who thought that map was acceptable to ship.
Or Activision for not giving enough time and forcing the team to have to cut out the s***tiest part of a ground war map to pad the total 6v6 map count.
TTK is absurd in this game
Overall, I’m f***ing with this game. I liked MW19 maps way more though. There ain’t a map on here touching Gun Runner at all. Even Grazna Raid I liked more than these maps.
Starting to dislike Palace as the time goes by. Don’t hate the Border Crossing map as much as I initially did,. Grand Pix is cool tho
whats the best mode for gun grinding?
Spec ops/invasion for levels, prolly domination for camo challenges
Hardcore drops in 2 weeks w/ warzone 2
Spec ops/invasion for levels, prolly domination for camo challenges
Hardcore drops in 2 weeks w/ warzone 2
KC is good for weapon XP too, the tags picked up count toward the weapon you're using at that time so you can just run overkill and only pick up the tags with your s***ty weapon
Anyone else tired of streamers complaining? All the complaining about aim assist but I still prefer kb+m
Am I the only one who thinks Blops 2 was overrated as hell? I see so many people call it one of the best CODs, it’s not top 5
Anyone else tired of streamers complaining? All the complaining about aim assist but I still prefer kb+m
ppl complaining but still playing is annoying in general. streamers essentially get paid for it tho so they dont stop, and their fans dont stop either, so s***ty company still wins and gets richer