  • Feb 24

    game will still be garbage but at least we got the goat back (grau)

  • Mar 4

    apparently wz might get discontinued (it should just be a standalone game with it‘s own engine)

    it‘s so over 😍😍😍

  • Mar 4

    and verdansk rumored to be delayed until april

  • Nayuta 🐯
    Mar 4
    1 reply

    getting rid of warzone is the best thing that could happen to call of duty

    that s*** is garbage

  • Ehh war zone is okay. I much prefer just standard cod multi-player.

  • Nayuta

    getting rid of warzone is the best thing that could happen to call of duty

    that s*** is garbage

    just because they get rid of wz doesn’t mean it‘ll improve MP btw those times are long gone

    it‘ll just mean that people are gonna lose their jobs while we still get a garbage MP