Idk why everyone’s interpreting from election results that this country’s becoming far right
If anything, the politicians of this country are becoming more far right and are actively alienating the voter base of this country
USA always been far-right. election is just a spectacle.
Not to mention my net worth has skyrocketed
I can buy so much more chocolate milk now
Can you buy me a new phone
So in the end, the black man still gets blamed
Biden team leaking today. From Josh Krashaaur:
From Bidenworld: “There is no singular reason why we lost, but a big reason is because the Obama advisers publicly encouraged Democratic infighting to push Joe Biden out, didn’t even want Kamala Harris as the nominee, and then signed up as the saviors of the campaign only to run outdated Obama-era playbooks for a candidate that wasn’t Obama”
USA ain't far right lmao. Center right overall. Even our liberals are fairly centered.
Far right is some s*** like Chechnya or Saudi Arabia
@ChiraqPalestine were you out there? was at a surprise action that was separate because it was dangerous. It was at a synagogue an IDF guy was visiting
they detained the peaceful protestors inside stole her phone pulled her hair
i was horrifed man
smoking many black and milds outside
USA ain't far right lmao. Center right overall. Even our liberals are fairly centered.
Far right is some s*** like Chechnya or Saudi Arabia
Places like California, MA, and NY are center right. Places like middle America and the south are for sure far right religiously and culturally
USA ain't far right lmao. Center right overall. Even our liberals are fairly centered.
Far right is some s*** like Chechnya or Saudi Arabia
You know you’re far right when your reference points are theocracies
Arabs and Muslims supporting Trump be having me laughing like that nigga ain't ban you from flying into the country a few years ago
Keep f***ing playing. The Republicans might hate immigrants and minorities, the Democrats might be useless moderates, but I promise they both hate you niggas wayyyy way more and have no problem knocking you off. It's the one thing they do together.
Trump is going to be as lame as his first four years and even lamer than the last 4 years. You heard it hear first. A bunch of lame geriatric presidencies until the end of time
Arabs and Muslims supporting Trump be having me laughing like that nigga ain't ban you from flying into the country a few years ago
Keep f***ing playing. The Republicans might hate immigrants and minorities, the Democrats might be useless moderates, but I promise they both hate you niggas wayyyy way more and have no problem knocking you off. It's the one thing they do together.
A lot of immigrants don’t like illegal immigrants and the same immigrants don’t like the LGBTQ community. The “all minorities must stick together” and grouping all minorities together across gender and race the Democratic Party has now made themselves victim to is coming back to bite them in the ass. Alienated voters
USA ain't far right lmao. Center right overall. Even our liberals are fairly centered.
Far right is some s*** like Chechnya or Saudi Arabia
chechnya is not a country
Man, I should use my time better than hatewatching this s***.
Just the most insufferable person.
!, shouldn't there be some self awareness where you're like oh s***, I'm way out of my depth.
R*gan should unironically be tried for crimes against humanity because of the “”””comedians”””” he put on
Arabs and Muslims supporting Trump be having me laughing like that nigga ain't ban you from flying into the country a few years ago
Keep f***ing playing. The Republicans might hate immigrants and minorities, the Democrats might be useless moderates, but I promise they both hate you niggas wayyyy way more and have no problem knocking you off. It's the one thing they do together.
They don’t understand how over it is for them niggas.
Like if they thought it was over before, it’s really over now.
The Dems went against the Jews and the Jews still showed up for them
The Dems pandered to the Muslims and muslims didn’t show up for them because most of them hate gays.
Ain’t no political group ever pandering to them again
They don’t understand how over it is for them niggas.
Like if they thought it was over before, it’s really over now.
The Dems went against the Jews and the Jews still showed up for them
The Dems pandered to the Muslims and muslims didn’t show up for them because most of them hate gays.
Ain’t no political group ever pandering to them again
Whole country braindead
Im sorry but this makes zero sense
Culturally, america is far right and has been for decades
USA always been far-right. election is just a spectacle.
"family values" preserved, I guess
No one is being deported because there aint no money in it
And Mexico’s gonna pay for it
They don’t understand how over it is for them niggas.
Like if they thought it was over before, it’s really over now.
The Dems went against the Jews and the Jews still showed up for them
The Dems pandered to the Muslims and muslims didn’t show up for them because most of them hate gays.
Ain’t no political group ever pandering to them again
Yeah muslims didnt vote for kamala bc of the gays!
Great a***ysis, mr named after a third rate rae sremmund song
A lot of immigrants don’t like illegal immigrants and the same immigrants don’t like the LGBTQ community. The “all minorities must stick together” and grouping all minorities together across gender and race the Democratic Party has now made themselves victim to is coming back to bite them in the ass. Alienated voters
100%. It backfires heavily.
A lot of immigrants don’t like illegal immigrants and the same immigrants don’t like the LGBTQ community. The “all minorities must stick together” and grouping all minorities together across gender and race the Democratic Party has now made themselves victim to is coming back to bite them in the ass. Alienated voters
s*** crazy to me tho when them niggas do the legal vs illegal s*** especially knowing how difficult it is out here
So in the end, the black man still gets blamed
Biden team leaking today. From Josh Krashaaur:
From Bidenworld: “There is no singular reason why we lost, but a big reason is because the Obama advisers publicly encouraged Democratic infighting to push Joe Biden out, didn’t even want Kamala Harris as the nominee, and then signed up as the saviors of the campaign only to run outdated Obama-era playbooks for a candidate that wasn’t Obama”
CNN been blaming niggas. F*** em. Barack too