Welcome again to the end of the Empire
No quirky black wombs can save you
Brunch is over
Black womb 😩
American exceptionalism dies in a week
They return to hating America
Time to watch the party die
Of course
The only cheating that’s happening is the MAGA f***s doing the fire bombing to ballot boxes lmao
American exceptionalism dies in a week
They return to hating America
Folks i think we found the ballot box burner
Folks i think we found the ballot box burner
I dont got to burn s***
vote blue no matter who loading up their excuses
it was the burning ballot boxes
it was those pesky muslim hamas supporters
it was black men
it was white women
it was nazis
it was the kkk
THEY keep trying to deny they about to lose building fortnite levels, beyonce, bad bunny
nothing can save you from reality
you want to pretend america isnt transphobic, racist, islamophobic institution when it is at its core no matter who face is on the jumbotron
I need Biden to speak more
Name me one leader that can go toe to toe with Deng Xiaoping. Name me ONE. Chinas gonna be big one day!
“Mr president, it’s 2024, your legacy will be the funding of a genocide of the Palestinian people”
"you support trump"
no as a nigga who dealt with a hate crime I support seeing the kkk in sheets rather than hidden. When America is reflected visually like its soul and not hidden behind a coconut pilled brat fake jamaican woman then its easier for media to critique all of its actions
we saw the same with Obama. If you cant grasp that concept thats fine but if you keep acting like I support Trump other than recognizing he is a human being who did some good and bad for the country you are the one gaslighting
I am telling you . I am not asking you. I am telling you that the more reprehensible the face of the government is in some ways better
we need to get to a point where some things are inalienable where there is a new bill of rights and its not aa back and forth like we are on the Island of Lost with two factions of people playing chess
we are owned by corporations and Israel ( Epstein tapes and mossad)
you will one day piece all this basic information togeether
til then the electoral college still matters more than popular vote so dont cry "she had more popular votes"
when you scammed your way out of a primary
Americans that refuse accountability and want to place it on "OMG HITLER IS TRUMP OMG OSAMA BIN LADEN OMG ISIS OMG HAMAS OMG IRAN OMG CHINA OMG RUSSIA"
when we played a hand in creating all these demons. You dont need to read a CIA dossier to know this. You refuse this information and the truth
You laughed all brat summer with Kamala and you prepared to dance in the street like you did for Biden yet refuse to hold some people accountable for funding a genocide because "Trump would fund more genocide"
then ask yourself is there truly a change "fund more"
their adminstrations which are purchase BY AIPAC ALLOW THAT TO HAPPEN
you are asking palestinians to choose their rapist because lgbt rights of when a kid can have gender reassignment surgery you arent fighting for the cost or for it to be includding in health care or allow every ciitizen one major life changing procedure
you arent fifghting for poc transitioning and less gofundmes
you say womens rights but the right is a man c*******in her raw and avoiding the consequences rather than using a condom, vasectomy or contraception
wrap this s*** up
you going to lose just dont take it out on me and paint me on the villain because you cant cope
Gonna be a long week for you bro
No it’s going to be a long week for yall lmfao I’m enjoying Halloween , day of the dead , protest and work .
Whenever yall accept what’s about to happen the better
No it’s going to be a long week for yall lmfao I’m enjoying Halloween , day of the dead , protest and work .
Whenever yall accept what’s about to happen the better
Wish you the best
Of course
Man it's not even November and he's already throwing out cheating allegations