These death to America niggas that live in the US are just contrarians or fake revolutionary larpers. Some of the lamest s*** I’ve ever seen
death to the American empire is not a larp.
"Accelerationism is a range of revolutionary and reactionary ideas in left-wing and right-wing ideologies that call for the drastic intensification of capitalist growth, technological change, infrastructure sabotage and other processes of social change to destabilize existing systems and create radical social ."
he was literally president for 4 years
the acceleration is to vote blue no matter who to take action not reality
Trump is everything America is
Accelerate dez nuts
If you fear America no longer being a super power you are a f***ing idiot
if I said Death to Nazism perhaps you would see what America has become isnt that different
death to the American empire is not a larp.
If you live in America it is lol
If you live in America it is lol
so if you lived in Nazi Germany you would just keep voting like nothing happened and urge jews to vote out Hitler for a kinder version of Hitler?
the goal is the same IMPERIALISM
if you think standing against genocide is a larp stop larping as a mr beast lunchable....
so if you lived in Nazi Germany you would just keep voting like nothing happened and urge jews to vote out Hitler for a kinder version of Hitler?
the goal is the same IMPERIALISM
This isn’t Nazi germany
This dude seems to think the fall of America will lead to something better lmao
Totally not going to be a repeat of what happens every time a major economic power fails
The collapse of an empire, especially in times like this when there are no Mass Revolutionary Organizations, would lead in Chaos. Fascism is more organized in America than the Socialist/Communist/Anarchist of America. Gangs and Neo-Nazi groups would run the collapsed ruins of America. Not to mention the neverending battle for power and land.
America’s collapse would come at a cost but before the inevitable happens we must organize along a mass line that wins the popular support of the people
"we arent nazi germany"
how many bases do we have worldwide?
how many muslims have died in the past 25 years
so if you lived in Nazi Germany you would just keep voting like nothing happened and urge jews to vote out Hitler for a kinder version of Hitler?
the goal is the same IMPERIALISM
Aren't you the one who always says calling Trump "Hitler" is stupid yet continue to call us Nazi's for being American LMAO
same goal.
Not really lol. If it was we would’ve already stopped immigration or only allowed white European immigrants
Aren't you the one who always says calling Trump "Hitler" is stupid yet continue to call us Nazi's for being American LMAO
Nazism which yall called Ye
is rampant imperialism.
we are rampant imperialist and hitlers wet dream of spreading "democracy"
american exceptionalism
you telling me you dont like the word Nazi?
then why are you so callously accepting of wiping out a population?
people that say "this genocide will hurt less" should be called what?
The only reason you can get on a forum in your spare time and talk about some death to America s*** is because you live here and deep down you know nothing is gonna happen
Can I pay u 2 s***post from my acc it seems like u got a lot of free time man
this isnt free I am getting paid 27 a hour
The only reason you can get on a forum in your spare time and talk about some death to America s*** is because you live here and deep down you know nothing is gonna happen
death to America is to the idea of America. Not to the people. You cant be this stupid
this isnt free I am getting paid 27 a hour
To s*** post?
I'll give u like 3/hr and master ur mixtape for free
To s*** post?
I'll give u like 3/hr and master ur mixtape for free
I am at work I am getting paid yall can make all the dumb jokes you want
not my fault you type and think slowly
death to America is to the idea of America. Not to the people. You cant be this stupid
You’ve already got on here and said you hope the American people suffer now you’re trying to backtrack because you realize how lame you look saying that.
Nazism which yall called Ye
is rampant imperialism.
we are rampant imperialist and hitlers wet dream of spreading "democracy"
american exceptionalism
you telling me you dont like the word Nazi?
then why are you so callously accepting of wiping out a population?
people that say "this genocide will hurt less" should be called what?
I don't care what you call me
Just realize screaming "NAZI NAZI NAZI" is the same s*** you clown people for doing to Trump lol, makes it pretty easy to ignore your point