Hi everyone, confused foreigner here
Why is every comment section on social media flooded with Kamala Diddy posts with seemingly no basis while the Trump Epstein connection never made a dent ?
a lot of the billionaires who own these social media sites like Elon, Mark Zuck are openly supporting Trump so they manipulate the algorithms and boost up bot accounts, crypto scammers, right wing meme accounts and anyone else who supports Trump so it’s a mix of grassroots posting with a lot of astroturf
a lot of the billionaires who own these social media sites like Elon, Mark Zuck are openly supporting Trump so they manipulate the algorithms and boost up bot accounts, crypto scammers, right wing meme accounts and anyone else who supports Trump so it’s a mix of grassroots posting with a lot of astroturf
Zuck isn't openly supporting Trump
a lot of the billionaires who own these social media sites like Elon, Mark Zuck are openly supporting Trump so they manipulate the algorithms and boost up bot accounts, crypto scammers, right wing meme accounts and anyone else who supports Trump so it’s a mix of grassroots posting with a lot of astroturf
Johnson is such a f***ing idiot.
Johnson is such a f***ing idiot.
Is he trying to throw this election? lol
We may be on the cusp on a 2016 election but for conservatives
The way conservatives are moving, especially online seem to be thinking this will be a total blowout, everyone is convinced Kamala is garbage, etc
Liberals seem much more grounded and they either expect to barely win or lose
With how Elon has manipulating X algorithm it’s hard to tell, but to some degree you can sniff out inauthentic alot of the support is compared to 2016
Trump and Vance touring, doing garbage truck bits, rallies, podcasts appearances, all the online right memes feel like some grand WWE spectacle trying to hide the internal polling numbers that s*** is bleak. Of course the Dems are still engaging in spectacle too but it seems more desperate from conservatives this time around
On point. Look up the Trump ground game in PA. It’s non existent. Kind of insane when you’re betting on low propensity voters. Real “Clinton not campaigning in the rust belt” vibes
ppl taking these as predictive oracles lol
2016 538 forecast for Zoomers
Look at this
Both Liz and D*** Cheney deserve to be on death row
Whoever this Tim guy is can't see the forest from the trees. Her closing arguments are not about Liz... She is simply responding to yet another stupid Trump statement that will turn off more women voters.
Democrats really defending a member of a notorious Republican war criminal family and they wonder why they’re losing lol
100%, when all of the polls are herding to 50/50 and you can put your thumb on the scales to boost base enthusiasm it's money well spent. But, if you're not knocking on doors and confirming people have voted/are going to vote its a waste of time
Democrats really defending a member of a notorious Republican war criminal family and they wonder why they’re losing lol
I mean it’s not at all about defending Cheney, it’s trying to put negative headlines out about Trump that remind voters he’s extreme and put him on the defensive
Not sure why you would not want to capitalize on a headline like that, trumps throwing lobs out here
ppl taking these as predictive oracles lol
Yeah prediction markets have gone to s***
They were spot on about Biden earlier in the year tho
I mean it’s not at all about defending Cheney, it’s trying to put negative headlines out about Trump that remind voters he’s extreme and put him on the defensive
Not sure why you would not want to capitalize on a headline like that, trumps throwing lobs out here
They have defended Cheney. She’s literally been campaigning with Harris. War criminal scum.
Feel like these three things will provide the best indicator for which way the race will go over the next 3 days:
1) Ann Selzer’s final Iowa poll — if it shows better numbers for Harris than Biden had in Iowa that bodes well for her in the rust belt swing states, if it is worse then that is bad news
2) NYTs final polls — by far the best pollster at not doing that herding BS, so it will be interesting to see what their final swing state polls say
3) Jon Ralston’s blog on Nevada’s early vote numbers — hasn’t been great for Harris so far there, but he said to keep an eye for if there is a late surge by Monday (he’s been saying they need to cut the GOP lead down to 20k)
ppl taking these as predictive oracles lol
Imagine thinking betting lines guarantee anything. lmao. I swear my X feed has been full of people that don’t understand how lines work. The house always wins. Who owns some of these markets?
Feel like these three things will provide the best indicator for which way the race will go over the next 3 days:
1) Ann Selzer’s final Iowa poll — if it shows better numbers for Harris than Biden had in Iowa that bodes well for her in the rust belt swing states, if it is worse then that is bad news
2) NYTs final polls — by far the best pollster at not doing that herding BS, so it will be interesting to see what their final swing state polls say
3) Jon Ralston’s blog on Nevada’s early vote numbers — hasn’t been great for Harris so far there, but he said to keep an eye for if there is a late surge by Monday (he’s been saying they need to cut the GOP lead down to 20k)
I hope NV hasn’t lost their complete minds. The GOP leadership there has needed a full rehaul and they did a good job last election. They seem to be putting out some s***e candidates this round. Need to see if there’s any Reid machine ground game left.
Whoever this Tim guy is can't see the forest from the trees. Her closing arguments are not about Liz... She is simply responding to yet another stupid Trump statement that will turn off more women voters.
bro why are you arguing with someone who is arguing in bad faith; they know its bullshit dont engage