OMG the latest Bumfuck Times poll of rural Idaho has Kamala up 5% with retired white corn farmers!!! She's going to win in a LANDSLIDE 😍
Goodbye Drumpf 😘 Goodbye Palestine 😘 Brat summer never ends 🟢
OMG the latest Bumfuck Times poll of rural Idaho has Kamala up 5% with retired white corn farmers!!! She's going to win in a LANDSLIDE 😍
Goodbye Drumpf 😘 Goodbye Palestine 😘 Brat summer never ends 🟢
this really is this thread in a nutshell
OMG the latest Bumfuck Times poll of rural Idaho has Kamala up 5% with retired white corn farmers!!! She's going to win in a LANDSLIDE 😍
Goodbye Drumpf 😘 Goodbye Palestine 😘 Brat summer never ends 🟢
Those rural farmers are the worst they just act like they working class
This will be the closest election we'll see in our lifetimes. Between Harris, Trump, and Biden-- I'm just not sure who's going to win.
This will be the closest election we'll see in our lifetimes. Between Harris, Trump, and Biden-- I'm just not sure who's going to win.
Who tf is trump
Who tf is trump
he was in Home alone
Lmfao Silver flipped model has her probability at 47% and Trump at 52.6% tho (down slightly from this morning)
The numbers in that tweet are referring to is if the person with the best percentage chance in each state won.
Basically his model thinks that Trump has slightly more avenues to a win right now — virtually meaningless when we’re talking about margins this narrow though
If Kamabla wins people will say the polls and models that had Drumpf winning were “wrong” and vice versa — in reality it doesn’t matter, it’s literally a coin flip
This will be the closest election we'll see in our lifetimes. Between Harris, Trump, and Biden-- I'm just not sure who's going to win.
Don’t think it’ll be that close tbh
Been watching 2016 recaps and all the major pollsters and orgs got embarrassed big time when Trump won. They had Hillary winning Pennsylvania by like 7 points days before Election Day and she lost the state
I think they’re acting like it’s close so they don’t get embarrassed
OMG the latest Bumfuck Times poll of rural Idaho has Kamala up 5% with retired white corn farmers!!! She's going to win in a LANDSLIDE 😍
Goodbye Drumpf 😘 Goodbye Palestine 😘 Brat summer never ends 🟢
Would having Ron Paul in the White House be a good thing?
I only know him from the "it's happening" meme
What are his policies? What does he stand for ??
Would having Ron Paul in the White House be a good thing?
I only know him from the "it's happening" meme
What are his policies? What does he stand for ??
2008 called, they want their questions back
2008 called, they want their questions back
I 've purposely stayed away from politics for the longest
Just trying to get more educated !
I 've purposely stayed away from politics for the longest
Just trying to get more educated !
During the 1988 campaign, Paul called Reagan "a dramatic failure"149 and complained that "Reagan's record is disgraceful. He starts wars, breaks the law, supplies terrorists with guns made at taxpayers' expense and lies about it to the American people."152 Paul predicted that "the Republicans are on their way out as a major party,"150 and he said that, although registered as a Republican, he had always been a libertarian at heart.150
Paul returned to his private medical practice and managing several business ventures after losing the 1988 election; but by 1996, he was ready to return to politics, this time running on the Republican Party ticket again. He said that he had never read the entire Libertarian platform when he ran for president as a Libertarian in 1988, and that "I worked for the Libertarians on my terms, not theirs."153 He added that in terms of a political label he preferred to call himself "a constitutionalist. In Congress I took an oath to uphold the Constitution, not the (Republican) platform."153
When he lost the Republican Party presidential primary election in 2008, Paul criticized the two major political parties, saying that there was no real difference between the parties and that neither of them truly intended to challenge the status quo. He refused to endorse the Republican Party's nominee for president, John McCain, and lent his support to third-party candidates instead.154
Chat, is Ron Paul goated with the sauce?
Don’t think it’ll be that close tbh
Been watching 2016 recaps and all the major pollsters and orgs got embarrassed big time when Trump won. They had Hillary winning Pennsylvania by like 7 points days before Election Day and she lost the state
I think they’re acting like it’s close so they don’t get embarrassed
I see what you mean. For Harris and Trump, I still see a close match for second place. Yet, I do believe Biden will have a relatively guaranteed victory even from the onset.
Ron paul checks the boxes on a lot of issues by default, of him not wanting the government to fund certain (bad) s*** or overreach foreign policy wise/intervention etc but
He's got typical bad takes that a lot of conservatives have but he also did incredible things like supporting gambling and also praising edward snowden