  • Jan 18, 2023

    I ask this cos I feel like you often see people say this about films or albums to no real objection ie the original was better paced or concise with no filler, with additional content being appreciated but ultimately not being as tight when it comes to considering the whole package.

    I've been playing Persona 5 Royal lately having never played the original and its got me thinking about this. I remember Persona 4 Golden (a) had way more fun but unnecessary fan service stuff and (b) was way easier cos of new additions compared to the vanilla game. But obviously very few people would say this makes it a less good game I gather from ppl that 5 is kinda the same in terms of the latter point (ie Royal is way easier) and honestly with the amount of abilities and things Royal throws at you, I could see this being another example of this.

    What do you the good people of ktt2 think?

  • Jan 18, 2023
    2 replies

    Dark Souls 2

  • Jan 18, 2023


    I just wanna walk around cozy

  • Jan 18, 2023

    Royal is 100% better than P5 Vanilla in every way. It only enhances vanilla while also exploring a different angle that the original never did. I wouldn’t call it an example of this at all

  • Nayuta 🐯
    Jan 18, 2023

    Don't agree that Royal is inferior to the OG, it's the better version for sure.

    I think you could say MMOs maybe fit into this threshold or Destiny 2 with it's expansion updates. I know there are some games that are remastered, but the original versions run better or they took something out of the remaster due to legal issues etc.

    The Pokemon games that get a modernized version actually perfectly fit this. Some of them are better than their originals though. I believe the Diamond & Pearl ones got s*** on pretty heavily and are generally considered inferior.

  • Jan 18, 2023

    Chrono Trigger for DS got that mid ass repetitive headache-inducing side quest that on GBA wasn't there iirc

  • Jan 18, 2023
    doggy springsteen

    Dark Souls 2

    i can see this

  • Jan 18, 2023
    1 reply
    doggy springsteen

    Dark Souls 2

    Came itt to say this, only played SOTFS edition so i don’t really have a reference but the enemy placements were garbage and i heard that it used to be much better in vanilla

  • Jan 18, 2023
    1 reply

    Yeah Chain of Memories on GBA was better than Chain of Memories on PS2 fasho fasho

  • Jan 18, 2023

    This certainly isn't the case for P5R

  • Jan 18, 2023
    2 replies

    Came itt to say this, only played SOTFS edition so i don’t really have a reference but the enemy placements were garbage and i heard that it used to be much better in vanilla

    I have such fond memories of DS2 on ps3 and I decided to get back into it before ER dropped. Copped SOTFS and omg this s*** is ASS idk what they were thinking. NG+ was already a good change and increase in difficulty to enemy placements there was no need to be this cancerous on a first playthrough.

    Makes me realize how many haters there are of DS2 because they probably play SOFTS and not the original

  • Kr0niic ☘️
    Jan 18, 2023

    Yeah Chain of Memories on GBA was better than Chain of Memories on PS2 fasho fasho

    First thing that comes to mind

  • Jan 18, 2023

    Again I haven't actually played vanilla persona 5 but I have noticed an overabdunance of abilities, fusion boosts etc which, assuming a lot of these have been added as was the case with Golden, I could see somebody arguing that this imbalances the game and makes it too easy.

    The extra story stuff is good tho as opposed to Golden though so I think that carries more weight

  • They ruined P5R with the Okumura boss fight, made me uninstall the whole game

  • Jan 18, 2023

    Depends if you mean just a slight improvement to a base game or expansions. DOW (Dawn of War) expansions almost always improved the game. But these slight additions to an already great game are either cash grabs or negligible at best.

  • Jan 20, 2023
    2 replies
    Banana Clip

    I have such fond memories of DS2 on ps3 and I decided to get back into it before ER dropped. Copped SOTFS and omg this s*** is ASS idk what they were thinking. NG+ was already a good change and increase in difficulty to enemy placements there was no need to be this cancerous on a first playthrough.

    Makes me realize how many haters there are of DS2 because they probably play SOFTS and not the original

    I dont hate DS2 but its true enemy placement was a total s***show in a lot of areas. I only ever played the Scholar version.

  • Jan 20, 2023
    rise zero

    I dont hate DS2 but its true enemy placement was a total s***show in a lot of areas. I only ever played the Scholar version.

    That’s what I’m saying. I totally get a lot of the hate ds2 gets these days because I think most aren’t playing the superior original version

  • Jan 20, 2023
    Banana Clip

    I have such fond memories of DS2 on ps3 and I decided to get back into it before ER dropped. Copped SOTFS and omg this s*** is ASS idk what they were thinking. NG+ was already a good change and increase in difficulty to enemy placements there was no need to be this cancerous on a first playthrough.

    Makes me realize how many haters there are of DS2 because they probably play SOFTS and not the original

    woah you just blew my mind, that’s a great point

  • Jan 20, 2023
    rise zero

    I dont hate DS2 but its true enemy placement was a total s***show in a lot of areas. I only ever played the Scholar version.

    holy f*** i think we’ve finally found why ppl still hate DS2 lmao

  • Jan 20, 2023

    gta online

    first one on 360/ps3 was the best cause it didn't have all those op vehicles

  • Jan 20, 2023

    any deluxe that comes with bonus items usually makes it easier tbh

  • Jan 21, 2023

    Just like with movies it depends, but yes. Especially when it comes to performance differences.

    You will find more examples of wjat youre talking about tho when looking at certain Remasters/Remakes.

    Some are completely terrible like the Silen Hill collection while other are totally different games like FF7 Remake. SH collection is inferior to the og ps1 n ps2 era games even tho it was meamt as a defenitive modern revamp for ps3/360 era, while the og n remake of FF7 arent comparable n basically seperate titles or reboot.