I bet the way a brain decides things can be broken down to a high number of sequential yes and nos, in other words binary. So that one day in the future, with more powerful cpus and quantum computing and ML models you could have AI mimic individuals personality.
Kinda but not really.. a neuron fires at variable strength rather than a binary on/off, which changes based on the activities of neurons around it, some will inhibit it, some will make it fire more plus everythings interconnected across disparate parts. Its a truly beautiful thing
Interesting thought experiment:
If you replace parts of a boat, is it still the same boat? What if you replaced every individual piece of the boat over the course of its life, at what point does it stop being that boat?
You don’t have an original cell in your body right now, each part of “you” has been replaced multiple times over. Are you still “you”?
The point of this exercise in panpsychism is that no, humans can’t be reduced to their individual atoms, there’s more to consciousness than being a collection of neurons.
baudrillard's simulacra and simulation
Interesting thought experiment:
If you replace parts of a boat, is it still the same boat? What if you replaced every individual piece of the boat over the course of its life, at what point does it stop being that boat?
You don’t have an original cell in your body right now, each part of “you” has been replaced multiple times over. Are you still “you”?
The point of this exercise in panpsychism is that no, humans can’t be reduced to their individual atoms, there’s more to consciousness than being a collection of neurons.
my brain is broken
if you c***in my ass will your neurons blend with my feces and create a life form made out of poo?
my brain is broken
My brain breaks when you ultimately have to consider the next stage in this thought experiment.
If you were to swap parts of the boat over time, at each step saving the original part while replacing the part being swapped, eventually you will have enough boat parts to construct a new boat using the original parts that you swapped out.
At this point, which one is the original boat? The boat you started with but slowly replaced parts, or the boat you just made that only used the swapped parts?
My parents are working overnight this Christmas eve 😢
I'n sorry to hear about this but Why did you edit the op
I'n sorry to hear about this but Why did you edit the op
ahh so I'm not tripping. lol. topic seemed completely different from the posts. OP is a SCAMMER.
I'n sorry to hear about this but Why did you edit the op
I'm limited to making one thread every 24 hours so I had to redo this one
right. thats the question to ask. is "you" the decisions you make? a Mercedes with a swapped engine is still a Mercedes. You are still driving a luxury car so if the intent of having the Mercedes is for prestige then its still the same car. If you consider the performance of the car as part of its identity then it isn't. So the question is what would be the intent of transferring neuron activity. If its to be able to have the same conversations or decisions that the original would have then it can be yes its the same.
The "you" you think of as yourself only exists to you. Everyone else has a different perception of you. There are 1000's of different yous out there.