So I called a Christian hotline yesterday and this man was telling me how Jesus died for our sins and we must worship him and s***
Jesus died 2020 years ago....humans been around for 400,000 years........
What happened to all those people before Jesus came? Did they not have to abide by these rules? Were their sins not forgiven?
Another question: there's tribes in the Amazon and s*** who have had no contact with outside people and have never been exposed to the concept of Jesus Christ or told to worship anything
Do they get a free pass?
Guy on the phone had no answers
It's all fairy tales. It's to keep population in check. Religion is a big money making business.
Those same people also believe Adam and eve jus popped outta nowhere and a talking Snake made the lady eat some fruit.
Everything was free game before the Ten Commandments.
Everything was free game before the Ten Commandments.
10 commandments existed in the garden of Eden. Adam had that
Anybody who feared God would be saved. The reason that Christians put a big focus on mission trips is so that that the people like the amazons will be saved. Romans 10:11-15
10 commandments existed in the garden of Eden. Adam had that
I think the Hebrews were low class citizens of the Roman Empire and still practice Judaism and Roman Paganism. Sometimes they have uprisings most famously "The Great Revolt"
Anybody who feared God would be saved. The reason that Christians put a big focus on mission trips is so that that the people like the amazons will be saved. Romans 10:11-15
Sorry bro, salvation is for Israel same with repentance
Isaiah 45:17 and Acts 5:29-31
The Christian doctrine isn’t half true. But to be saved or meaning the kingdom for everyone else in Israel read this Isaiah 56.
Firstly, most Christians believe the world is 6000 years old
And I think there's a verse in there somewhere explaining that even the most tribal rural person has felt the presence of God, and that nobody is without excuse
I think the Hebrews were low class citizens of the Roman Empire and still practice Judaism and Roman Paganism. Sometimes they have uprisings most famously "The Great Revolt"
They were in captivity at that point
Sorry bro, salvation is for Israel same with repentance
Isaiah 45:17 and Acts 5:29-31
The Christian doctrine isn’t half true. But to be saved or meaning the kingdom for everyone else in Israel read this Isaiah 56.
Will anybody who puts his hope in God be put to shame?
Will anybody who puts his hope in God be put to shame?
There’s an order to this. Just read those scriptures
John 3:16 is Isaiah 45:17