  • Updated Dec 22, 2020

    Okay I obviously get all the 2020 montage s***.

    But what’s up with the weird shaman nigga, and all those creepy sheep and goats looking at u?

    Can someone legitimately explain this? Cause I don’t get it

  • Dec 22, 2020
    · edited

    Okay I obviously get all the 2020 montage s***.

    But what’s up with the weird shaman nigga, and all those creepy sheep and goats looking at u?

    Can someone legitimately explain this? Cause I don’t get it

    here's another video by the same dude. all his work is in this same style

  • Dec 22, 2020
    2 replies

    Idk but its fire

  • Dec 22, 2020
    3 replies

    Idk but its fire

    Why is it fire if u don’t even know?

  • Dec 22, 2020

    Why is it fire if u don’t even know?

    No one knows what it means, but gets the people going!

  • Dec 22, 2020

    my interpretation was that its on some cyberpunk 2077 futuristic music video s***, this video envokes so many emotions, its essentially downloading a concept real quick, i have a feeling this is what music videos in t he future will be like

  • Yevin

    Idk but its fire

  • Dec 23, 2020
    1 reply

    the song would be soo s*** if it weren't released alongside this video

  • Mmm Hmm 😆
    Dec 23, 2020
    1 reply

    Okay I obviously get all the 2020 montage s***.

    But what’s up with the weird shaman nigga, and all those creepy sheep and goats looking at u?

    Can someone legitimately explain this? Cause I don’t get it

    The black shaman guy is supposed to represent black jesus.

    And his reactions to what's been happening in 2020

  • Dec 23, 2020

    the leak b4 the song came out had me so hyped ... i thought ye was gon snap

  • Dec 23, 2020
    1 reply
    Mmm Hmm

    The black shaman guy is supposed to represent black jesus.

    And his reactions to what's been happening in 2020

    Ok what about the sheep and goats?

  • Dec 23, 2020

    Ok what about the sheep and goats?

    People are sheep

    Kanye's a goat

  • Dec 23, 2020
    lil grinch dookie

    the song would be soo s*** if it weren't released alongside this video

    the combination of the visuals n music gave me chills first listen. wish song had more longevity, it's not really that bad looking back. could've benefitted from more contributions from Travis.

  • Dec 23, 2020

    lost my s*** when I realized those were actually gta visuals and not me tripping about a quick shot

  • Dec 23, 2020

    Black dude's a representation of Jesus & the goats obviously represent the devil.

    Since he's calling down the holy spirit, he's pleading for him to cast the evil's that are polluting our society away.

  • Dec 23, 2020
    1 reply

    I think there needs to be more art that makes people say “I don’t get it”. Sometimes people get angry with the not knowing but sometimes you just have to have faith and say, there is a plan in place here, and I can either accept how it makes me feel, or try to dig deeper.

  • Jonboi

    I think there needs to be more art that makes people say “I don’t get it”. Sometimes people get angry with the not knowing but sometimes you just have to have faith and say, there is a plan in place here, and I can either accept how it makes me feel, or try to dig deeper.

  • Dec 23, 2020

    Why is it fire if u don’t even know?

    because that guy defends anything kanye related no matter whT

  • Dec 23, 2020

    Why is it fire if u don’t even know?

    It's provocative