It literally is a PS3 game tho lmfao
Damn, didn't realize it dropped on PS3 too
Yakuza 0 doesn't have amazing graphics, it looks like it could be from the PS3 era. The game is also in Japanese, you're not going to fw having to do all that reading
The quarry is a decision based game with minimal gameplay, The Walking Dead and Detroit Become Human type beat. Characters and dialogue are awful. Check out RdcWorld playing it, they didn't even bother to finish it
How hard is mortal kombat 11 brodie? Haven’t played it since 2000 reptile used to be my manz tho
Damn, didn't realize it dropped on PS3 too
Theres this small subset of japanese games that released on PS3 but we all know only the PS4 versions cause thats what we got and they released way after the PS3 era was over. Persona 5 is another one for example
Theres this small subset of japanese games that released on PS3 but we all know only the PS4 versions cause thats what we got and they released way after the PS3 era was over. Persona 5 is another one for example
Isnt Yakuza still being released on ps3 to this day such as Ishin?
Isnt Yakuza still being released on ps3 to this day such as Ishin?
Yakuza ishin was first released for ps3 and ps4, the remaster that dropped this year Is instead on ps4, ps5 and Xbox series
You aint like Judgment ( ), so you prob won't like Yakuza
wow I was just about done with stray and was thinking about playing this next. Judgement was soooo f***ing repetitive bro. The story was cool but the game kept dragging on and on. Also the ending was trash
i have yakuza 0 and i like the gameplay but ig the series aint for me cuz im not f***ing wit all these cutscenes n dialogue and I tried but he story is boring as f***. might jus return it fr cuz ik the story is the main part and i honestly dont care at ALL about it.
Damn man :( judgment cut scenes would drain me the f*** out and I know this game got that weak ass read the text no dialogue cut scenes like it’s f***ing 2002
Yeah this some dumb ass s***. I'm halfway through Yakuza 7 and I'm mad af they still have a s*** ton of dialogue text boxes with no voiceover. This is the only thing I hate about the series
if you are going to play both and just want to know what to play first, f*** what everyone is saying itt . Quarry is shorter, play that first