yall lettin robots decide what to listen to
You don't skip songs cause you know you only got enough time for 1 more song before you get to your destination so you want to get a really good one to sing along to?
nah fair point but i play it out loud when i skate and dont skip
Always thought I was nuts for thinking this. OP might he onto something here
i dont order my playlist
fair enough
Yea its f***ing wack I just wanna true shuffle my liked songs but it always plays the same s***
Shuffle is one of the biggest examples of how technology has actually gotten much worse since 2005. Tech used to cater to us because then we would pay for it. Now it all favors the companies
Still have this issue with Apple Music and Spotify it is f***ing wack it doesn’t truly shuffle at all
shuffles are not truly random. i noticed this on apple music and they’re just blatant with it.
fr, i have a playlist of like 2k songs however i feel like i always hear the same 100 or so on shuffle
they still haven’t fixed this s***