I haven't watched Joe in a while, but I looked into what he's saying and that paper he is referencing is legit, what do you guys think? could this actually be whats happening?
"Worse variants" are rare as is
Usually when a virus mutates itll mutate to be less deadly but more infectious
Delta was an inevitability vaccine or not
They've been proven to lessen any side effects should you catch it regardless, not make variants 'worse'
This variant s*** is f***ing fearmongering dawg f*** the cdc and the media
Literally all of the vaccines out are effective against Delta and the symptoms of delta are reportedly less severe than the usual strain
S*** is doing nothing but hurting the vaccine campaign lmao niggas is stupid
But I think theoretically what is being said is true
Variants continue to grow and inevitably become resistant to the current vaccines
Which make them “more deadly” because the people with the vaccine(s) aren’t protected versus it + the other things that come with mutations (ie. instead of attacking the respiratory system it mutates to be a neurological virus)
But he literally says this is a product of the environment of high vaccine rates and that comes off as a strong anti vaxx statement and poor framing of the situation
"Worse variants" are rare as is
Usually when a virus mutates itll mutate to be less deadly but more infectious
Delta was an inevitability vaccine or not
true but listen to the report
it came out like 2015
saying usually vax kills the virus but with this the its not what the vax does which is known to make more deadly varients
wasnt aware till watching this
joe rogan
These are two men talking about how the general public should be more skeptical of people in power
They sound very detached from society because every single person I know IRL has become way more Cynical and skeptical of the government within the 18 months
This entire clip is an example of Joe at his worse. He can have Jamie pull up a worldstar video but doesn’t ask him to pull up any of these reports these people are sending him??? He’s comfortable throwing out random s*** but can’t have someone fact check that the vaccination death rate isnt just a “small number”, it’s like 1,300 out of 140+ million people (0.001%) ?
He was very irresponsible in that clip
Vaccines cause variants, the virus adapts and selects for mutations that can still survive. It’s the same reason why we need a new flu vaccine every year, Idk about worse tho
These are two men talking about how the general public should be more skeptical of people in power
They sound very detached from society because every single person I know IRL has become way more Cynical and skeptical of the government within the 18 months
This entire clip is an example of Joe at his worse. He can have Jamie pull up a worldstar video but doesn’t ask him to pull up any of these reports these people are sending him??? He’s comfortable throwing out random s*** but can’t have someone fact check that the vaccination death rate isnt just a “small number”, it’s like 1,300 out of 140+ million people (0.001%) ?
He was very irresponsible in that clip
seems since he's moved to texas he's doubled down on the conservative kookness
If only you knew how bad things really are
Gonna be a good day when Joe Rogan is finally deplatformed from spewing or having his guests spew bullshit