Imagine hearing I Got a Feeling and calling it corny
Imagine thinking the opposite
How you got 2 albums back to back where the first 5 songs are all hits
OP thought he had one
Op STFU!!!!
BEP were "real hip-hop" co-signed by Eazy E, then became smash hitmakers. Not really mad at them. Even Elephunk and Monkey Bizness were cool and if you actually heard the albums, the singles had dope ass album exclusive outros and mixes. Don't hate em
icp is worse
How we comparing the black eyed peas to ICP, yall zoomers going out sad
How we comparing the black eyed peas to ICP, yall zoomers going out sad
black eyed peas arent even bad
I said what I said and I did what I did
Real nigga
Always double down. That’s my motto
Elephunk and Monkey Business were the first rap albums I ever owned and I got so many memories with the singles
Theirs songs were also prime ringtone music
Quick, name all 4 of the peas without google
Will, Apple de ap, Fergie, and taboo
The greatest 5 track run OF ALL TIME
Meet Me f***ing Halfway. What a tune
OP you're soulless if you don't enjoy that song
Quick, name all 4 of the peas without google
Will I Am
Apl de ap