Nigga called me brother like he’s hulk hogan
Dont you have albums to "review" in your bathroom?
Dont you have albums to "review" in your bathroom?
Dont you have tiki torches to light
Dont you have albums to "review" in your bathroom?
Don’t you have a life to hate?
Oh wait...
most of them are casuals and future stans lol
Future is better than this boring ass nigga please
for years we’ve had to put up with everyone overhyping this guy, acting like he was some sort of untouchable rap-saving saint, and because he didnt have a discography you couldnt argue. how can you be bad if you’ve never even released an album right?
well now we finally have it. after 12 years we are finally allowed to critique Jay Elec and guess what? he is boring and forgettable as f***. it is genuinely laughable how little he has to show for the past decade.
wtf is this album? why now? why not 10 years ago? it sounds like an album that could have came out 10 years ago. did he run out of money? hell it sounds like an album that could have came out 25 years ago. there is nothing cutting edge here and even Jay Elec himself takes a backseat as he needed Hov to appear on over half the album to pad up the minutes
and the worst thing about it is that Hov absolutely outshines him on every song. Jay Elec becomes a background character on his own debut album as he chooses to rhyme about scriptures and spaceships and s*** on every track in the exact same boring flow and tone of voice. wtf are you even talking about Jay Elec my man??
tldr: this is a boring album and i for one am glad that the Jay Electronica mystery can finally be put to bed
God damn 52 likes @fonti I wasn't alone
Jay ElecMidica
Can’t believe y’all fell for this niggas history mystery, mumbo jumbo, ramadaan haraam raps then waited 10 years for a Hov album
I'm dead
op really got 50+ likes off some hater paragraphs that's crazy
Well deserved likes