You said it don’t act surprised
I said whites aren't inherently racist, you're twisting my words, f***ing pathetic...
I said whites aren't inherently racist, you're twisting my words, f***ing pathetic...
But you also called another user a loser for having different opinions
But you also called another user a loser for having different opinions
that isn't race-related at all, generalizing is stupid and there was nothing wrong with my statement
that isn't race-related at all, generalizing is stupid and there was nothing wrong with my statement
Not a generalization it’s a fact
It's a fact that every white is racist?
Historically collectively the white Man has done some of the most racist s*** imaginable
Historically collectively the white Man has done some of the most racist s*** imaginable
Answer my question
Answer my question
That’s not even what I said in the 1st place your putting words in my mouth
That’s not even what I said in the 1st place your putting words in my mouth
So we agree that generalizing is stupid. Good.
album is too black for this site
I didn’t really like it but I understood the messages it portrayed
What do Jay Electronica even be talking about?
i think he writes about depression better than any other rapper, and that includes rappers KTT loves like earl and mac
You think people would actually like Jay elec if you take away Exhibit A & C
yes. he has more jewels in his catalog
By the way, these the threads i look for to see who still speaking the cultures language and whos not.
If you know, you know.
yes. he has more jewels in his catalog
By the way, these the threads i look for to see who still speaking the cultures language and whos not.
If you know, you know.
Boy u white
Nation of Islam isn’t disgusting you just disagree because you as a white man are insulted by being called evil