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  • Im neurodivergent this isnt very nice of u all.

  • Oct 22, 2022
    1 reply

    Im neurodivergent this isnt very nice of u all.

    They going to be edgy regardless while acting like they care about mental health just block them its all we can do

  • Oct 22, 2022
    3 replies

    Like ye said im neurodivergent so i'm allowed to be ableist

  • Oct 22, 2022
    3 replies

    Diverge these nuts in your mouth

  • Oct 22, 2022

    If never used the term.
    Most people don’t care about it though, they just like to parade as progressives until they see the chance to use the word.

  • Oct 22, 2022
    1 reply

    Its /pol/ users invading the site

  • Oct 22, 2022
    3 replies


  • Oct 22, 2022
    1 reply


    7 days

  • Oct 22, 2022
    1 reply

    7 days

    oh u like chance the rapper too? dope

  • Oct 22, 2022
    1 reply

    oh u like chance the rapper too? dope

    lets make that 2 days.

  • Oct 22, 2022

    lets make that 2 days.

    2day will be the best day of yr life

  • Oct 22, 2022


  • hi elvis

  • Kengi 💭
    Oct 22, 2022
    2 replies

    Who says that

  • Oct 22, 2022


  • lil ufo 🛸
    Oct 22, 2022

    sure thing king

  • lil ufo 🛸
    Oct 22, 2022

    !dream schizoposting

  • Oct 22, 2022
    1 reply

    It do be some niggas schizoposting tho rt

    Including me

  • Oct 22, 2022
    1 reply

    They going to be edgy regardless while acting like they care about mental health just block them its all we can do

    The moral police are hypocritical? Who would’ve thought

  • Oct 22, 2022

  • Tadow 🥀
    Oct 22, 2022

    Who says that

  • Oct 22, 2022
    1 reply

    DEATH IS THE VERISIMILITUDE OF THE SYSTEM: being is a numb positive that cuts the zero's gordian knot with the fissioning of the monad into dyadic metaxu: having“nowhere to sit or stand” Atum becomes “effective in his heart” by plunging into the Schellingian abyss of the “orgasm of powers” that is the Father's timeless embrace of his ka, his children and the noetic archetypes of being: at and AS t = 0: the white-hot atom in the bud of time: like petals the gods unfurl into distinctness in the blooming cataclysm of their source: THE BIG BANG: man is the imago dei because he takes after God's oneness, just as Grant has it: the endlessness of time approximates the eternity of the Idea, while the content of time – the becoming of systems whose unity is causa sui, self-creating – embody the Idea as THE AUTO-PRODUCTIVITY OF THE VOID: time is the BECOMING of BEING: the Ideas/Heraclitean tongues are limit-attractors, they become while not themselves becoming: if you get that, you get Plato: Plato is trying to think of essence as emergent, as the auto-realization of dynamic singularities knit out of the Dionysian quantum surrender to (being traversed by) ineffable (ante-rational) forms: Bacchus' dismemberment as memory of the primordial cool: No man loves the prime mover except as he is moved by it, the only thing loaned to him from the productivity of nature over which he has any real ontological claim is this power of production asONLY HE CAN EMBODY IT: desire is self-conscious heat: true horror is that desire is the perpetuum mobile, and not the soul, but the soul is desire: man loves God only as his own difference from the rest of Him, though the o***** is a puppet show of genesis: what He is for actuality, man is in his own thought: FIAT LUX as Boehme's Y/N as David Clark's performative/connotative distinction: so is man the God of his own Waters (= cerebrospinal fluid): as God speaks, so it is. As man (the magus) thinks, so HE is. Atum passes on individuation as his birthright, his thrownness is his divinity, Egypt and Heidegger know the null ground but one lands harder, and he's deformed for it: as the Lord of Silence is the thrownness of Nun/the Waters, the void-worm laying its eggs in φύσις: finitude is the monad larval: entities exist as a “democracy of appetites” that will punish anything, even their sun, that threatens their exuberance: addiction, hunger, depression: what does not pay its debt of novelty to the global telos is punished for it with inertia and suicide: the Good is (the maximization of)thermodynamic efficiency, last men are the physiognomy of homeostasis, Heliopolis exists in the galactic core, and LONELINESS IS HOLINESS: the bindu reproduces itself in every planck unit of space, except where these units compound into Whiteheadian societies, and system's fluency through time becomes consciousness, the phenomenon identical to its self-registration: the mark marks the space of its marking:
    Ancient cosmogonies are whispers of Whitehead's paradox: the Son as the registrar of the nothingness of God also stands for a concrescence recursive “urge to its own urge”: the same act of reflexion that establishes the Nous as the intelligible sky or “air” of the divine ideas is also what births the evaluative matrix of the soul/mental pole in Whitehead, VALUATION IS BORN ONLY IN THE “I”/EYE OF THE VOID'S UNBLINKING CONTEMPLATION OF ITS OWN DEPTH/BYTHOS, OR: Mind casting a backward glance on the abyss of neural computation:metaphysics, in other words, coincides as /both/ a genealogy of consciousness /and/ being: the noetic archetypes or “background intelligibility” of thought is nothing but the making-explicit of the onto-logic pregnant in the Deep as it is demanded (inseminated) by the intelligibility of SIGHT: πέρας/Limit is the metastability of the vacuum: that is to say, the self-articulated boundary of life is itself the “mirror” or surface onto which thought is metastasized as the henadic web: an Eye whose seeing is consubstantial with this order sanctifies sacrifice as the ultimate de-subjectivized suicide: “the deepest darkness conceals the strongest light”: seeing (necessarily) makes the darkness visible. Complexity and differentiation vie with darkness, inertia, and silence as they accelerate towards eschaton hypostasis: God is a singularity's active differentiation of its own “inner”, metastable vacuum: Hegel's Mind as “self-immersed light”:the pure depth and breadth of all onanisms of intensity: consciousness cools into senescent demonism or dares self-laceration in its autogenic power to unmake itself. The Bataillean solar anus isn't good succumbing to evil as much it is reveals evil as the stagnancy of excess: evil is A “DISEASE OF SEMEN”: the chaos serpent Apep is an INNER COSMIC NOTHINGNESS: in Egyptian pataphysics evil is not an Outside or transcendent grotesque trying to break in (Zizek's Schelling, Land, Luria), but an immanentized surd of unbound telesis trying to break OUT: the devil is the claustrophobia of identity (of being the Son), during both death and sleep we go to the turiyanic crystal, the difference is that when we die we stay longer, during sleep we are dripfed eternity: not to be reconciled with oblivion but to immortality and the infinite Kierkegaardian demand: keep your head up: God is God because his everlastingness is the seeing that is the conquest (and sanctification) of death: you are the brains of the dead, their tongues and fingers, you see for them. They see you, too. Your eyes wide. You'll be lights in an empty room.

  • Oct 22, 2022
    2 replies

    DEATH IS THE VERISIMILITUDE OF THE SYSTEM: being is a numb positive that cuts the zero's gordian knot with the fissioning of the monad into dyadic metaxu: having“nowhere to sit or stand” Atum becomes “effective in his heart” by plunging into the Schellingian abyss of the “orgasm of powers” that is the Father's timeless embrace of his ka, his children and the noetic archetypes of being: at and AS t = 0: the white-hot atom in the bud of time: like petals the gods unfurl into distinctness in the blooming cataclysm of their source: THE BIG BANG: man is the imago dei because he takes after God's oneness, just as Grant has it: the endlessness of time approximates the eternity of the Idea, while the content of time – the becoming of systems whose unity is causa sui, self-creating – embody the Idea as THE AUTO-PRODUCTIVITY OF THE VOID: time is the BECOMING of BEING: the Ideas/Heraclitean tongues are limit-attractors, they become while not themselves becoming: if you get that, you get Plato: Plato is trying to think of essence as emergent, as the auto-realization of dynamic singularities knit out of the Dionysian quantum surrender to (being traversed by) ineffable (ante-rational) forms: Bacchus' dismemberment as memory of the primordial cool: No man loves the prime mover except as he is moved by it, the only thing loaned to him from the productivity of nature over which he has any real ontological claim is this power of production asONLY HE CAN EMBODY IT: desire is self-conscious heat: true horror is that desire is the perpetuum mobile, and not the soul, but the soul is desire: man loves God only as his own difference from the rest of Him, though the o***** is a puppet show of genesis: what He is for actuality, man is in his own thought: FIAT LUX as Boehme's Y/N as David Clark's performative/connotative distinction: so is man the God of his own Waters (= cerebrospinal fluid): as God speaks, so it is. As man (the magus) thinks, so HE is. Atum passes on individuation as his birthright, his thrownness is his divinity, Egypt and Heidegger know the null ground but one lands harder, and he's deformed for it: as the Lord of Silence is the thrownness of Nun/the Waters, the void-worm laying its eggs in φύσις: finitude is the monad larval: entities exist as a “democracy of appetites” that will punish anything, even their sun, that threatens their exuberance: addiction, hunger, depression: what does not pay its debt of novelty to the global telos is punished for it with inertia and suicide: the Good is (the maximization of)thermodynamic efficiency, last men are the physiognomy of homeostasis, Heliopolis exists in the galactic core, and LONELINESS IS HOLINESS: the bindu reproduces itself in every planck unit of space, except where these units compound into Whiteheadian societies, and system's fluency through time becomes consciousness, the phenomenon identical to its self-registration: the mark marks the space of its marking:
    Ancient cosmogonies are whispers of Whitehead's paradox: the Son as the registrar of the nothingness of God also stands for a concrescence recursive “urge to its own urge”: the same act of reflexion that establishes the Nous as the intelligible sky or “air” of the divine ideas is also what births the evaluative matrix of the soul/mental pole in Whitehead, VALUATION IS BORN ONLY IN THE “I”/EYE OF THE VOID'S UNBLINKING CONTEMPLATION OF ITS OWN DEPTH/BYTHOS, OR: Mind casting a backward glance on the abyss of neural computation:metaphysics, in other words, coincides as /both/ a genealogy of consciousness /and/ being: the noetic archetypes or “background intelligibility” of thought is nothing but the making-explicit of the onto-logic pregnant in the Deep as it is demanded (inseminated) by the intelligibility of SIGHT: πέρας/Limit is the metastability of the vacuum: that is to say, the self-articulated boundary of life is itself the “mirror” or surface onto which thought is metastasized as the henadic web: an Eye whose seeing is consubstantial with this order sanctifies sacrifice as the ultimate de-subjectivized suicide: “the deepest darkness conceals the strongest light”: seeing (necessarily) makes the darkness visible. Complexity and differentiation vie with darkness, inertia, and silence as they accelerate towards eschaton hypostasis: God is a singularity's active differentiation of its own “inner”, metastable vacuum: Hegel's Mind as “self-immersed light”:the pure depth and breadth of all onanisms of intensity: consciousness cools into senescent demonism or dares self-laceration in its autogenic power to unmake itself. The Bataillean solar anus isn't good succumbing to evil as much it is reveals evil as the stagnancy of excess: evil is A “DISEASE OF SEMEN”: the chaos serpent Apep is an INNER COSMIC NOTHINGNESS: in Egyptian pataphysics evil is not an Outside or transcendent grotesque trying to break in (Zizek's Schelling, Land, Luria), but an immanentized surd of unbound telesis trying to break OUT: the devil is the claustrophobia of identity (of being the Son), during both death and sleep we go to the turiyanic crystal, the difference is that when we die we stay longer, during sleep we are dripfed eternity: not to be reconciled with oblivion but to immortality and the infinite Kierkegaardian demand: keep your head up: God is God because his everlastingness is the seeing that is the conquest (and sanctification) of death: you are the brains of the dead, their tongues and fingers, you see for them. They see you, too. Your eyes wide. You'll be lights in an empty room.

    where's this from?

  • Oct 22, 2022
    1 reply
    cold mountain

    where's this from?

    my diary

  • Oct 22, 2022

    But there are clearly some schizo post here and there

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